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I've got yer the proofs that that sneakin' hound of a Yankee school-master that Cress McKinstry's hell bent on, and that the old man and old woman are just chuckin' into her arms, is a lyin', black-hearted, hypocritical seducer" "Stop!" said Uncle Ben in a voice that made the crazy casement rattle.

She was a blonde young lady with laughing blue eyes, and Henry never clasped her trim waist without feeling a black-hearted traitor to his absent Minnie. Conscience racked him.

And there's another one him that confesses to Father Van Sandt." Dolan shook his head sadly and sighed. "He's a black-hearted wretch. If you want to see how a soul will look in its underwear, get an Irishman to confess to a Dutchman."

She calls him a black-hearted scoundrel and clumps him over the head. Of recent years it has been attempted to cheer the stage villain's loveless life by making the village clergyman's daughter gone on him.

"Close up!" roared the Major desperately, as he stood sword in hand, ready to give point. "Stand fast, and let the black-hearted cowards spit themselves upon your bayonets. What's that?" he cried. "A fresh body of 'em, sir, coming round to right and left." "That you with your bad news, Sergeant?" cried the Major half-laughingly. "Good-bye, my lad! Good man! Brave soldier!

"M'Clutchy," said M'Loughlin, "I always knew you were a bad and black-hearted man; but that you were such a perfect devil I never knew till now. What, to drag out my sick wife!" "Ha! ha! ha!" "Consider that her removal now will occasion her death." "Ha! ha! ha!" "You will not do it; you could not do it. Would you kill her?" "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

They explain the prosperity of their Protestant neighbours by knowing winks and nods, and by plain intimations that all Irish Protestants are secretly subsidised by England, that they have privileges, that they are favoured, petted, kept in pocket money. To affect to doubt this is to prove yourself a dissembler, an impostor, a black-hearted enemy of the people.

Then, turning to her captive as she led her into the hut, she said: "Don't be afraid, my dear. Black-hearted though some of them are, not one will dare to touch you as long as you are under my protection." It is a wonderful, but at the same time, we think, a universal and important fact, that love permeates the universe.

If it were he whom I suspect, Jock, I could not rest in my grave." "Rest easy, Maister John, I wrung the truth frae his deein' lips. It was Lord Nottingham, the English minister, wha feed him, the black-hearted devil. Livingstone had naethin' to do wi' the maitter, far less onybody ye luved."

You'd made up your mind to murder somebody this mornin' I knowed it perfectly well. I'm the man, am I? It's me you're goin' to murder, is it? But you can't do it 'thout I get one chance first, you thievin' black-hearted, white-livered son of a nigger! Draw your weepon!"