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No appeal moves him; he says that the land will need every man sooner or later, and that the quicker he begins the sooner he will learn how to look out for himself in battle. "The regiment is almost full; to-day, the first six companies are to be mustered into the United States service for three years or for the war. Captain Barris of the regular army is the mustering officer.

How are you, Koa? Am I interrupting a private talk?" "No, Major," Koa replied. "We're just passing the time. Want me to leave?" "Stay here," Barris said. "This concerns you, too. I've been reassigned. My eight years on the platform are up, and that's all an instructor gets. Now I'm off for space on another job." Rip knew that instructors were assigned for eight-year periods.

Upon completion of leave subject officer will report to Terra base for transportation to SOS Seven on Ganymede." Joe Barris handed Rip his new orders. "You’ll be on the same ship with Flip Villa and your men. Flip will be another of my platoon leaders. I’ll be waiting for you on Ganymede. The moons of Jupiter will be our home for quite a while, Rip.

But we’re overdue for shipment to somewhere, and if you take eight weeks’ leave, we’ll be gone by the time you come back to the platform." "I liked serving with all of you, too." Rip replied. "I watched the way you all behaved when the space-flap was getting tough and it made me proud to be a Planeteer." Major Joe Barris came in. He was carrying an envelope in his hand. "Hello, Rip.

Barris spoke as though to himself, but Rip turned red as his hair. "Funny how fast a man ages in space," the Planeteer major remarked. "Take Foster. A few weeks ago he was just a cadet, a raw recruit who had never met high vack. Now he’s talking like the grandfather of all space. I don’t know how the Special Order Squadrons ever got along before he became an officer."

"Off to explore something?" "That’s it." Major Barris smiled. "Remember once I said that when they gave me the job of cleaning up the goopies on Ganymede I’d ask for you as a platoon leader?" Rip stared. "Don’t tell me that’s your assignment!" "Almost. Tell me, would you recommend any more of your men for promotion? I’ll need a new sergeant and two more corporals." Rip thought it over.

How are you, Koa? Am I interrupting a private talk?" "No, Major," Koa replied. "We’re just passing the time. Want me to leave?" "Stay here," Barris said. "This concerns you, too. I’ve been reassigned. My eight years on the platform are up, and that’s all an instructor gets. Now I’m off for space on another job." Rip knew that instructors were assigned for eight-year periods.

He looked for an explanation and realized for the first time that they weren’t in the sunlight at all. They were in darkness. His searching glance told him they were in the cone of shadow stretching out from behind the asteroid. The thorium rock was between them and the sun! His lips moved soundlessly. Major Joe Barris had been right! In a jam, trust your hunch.

To serve under Barris, to have his own men in a regular squadron platoon, to have Flip Villa in the same outfit, and to be assigned to exploration duty dirtiest but most exciting of all Planeteer jobs was just too much. He couldn't say anything. He could only grin. Maj. Joe Barris looked at Rip's shiny head and chuckled. "From what I hear of Callisto, we're in for a rough time.

Our first assignment is to explore Callisto from pole to pole." Rip didn’t know what to say. To serve under Barris, to have his own men in a regular squadron platoon, to have Flip Villa in the same outfit, and to be assigned to exploration dutydirtiest but most exciting of all Planeteer jobsit was just too much. He couldn’t say anything. He could only grin.