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See you in the spring. Shouldn't wonder if I will run onto some Indians, this winter, who will tell what they know, now that MacNair is out of the way. I know plenty of them that can talk, if they will." "So long!" answered Ripley as Lapierre left the room. "Much obliged for the tip. Hope your hunch is good." "Play it and see," smiled Lapierre, and banged the door behind him.

I said it was too early; that you wouldn't be here until the first of next week. She would have it her way, so we drove down to meet this train. Now I know she has the gifted eye and the seeing mind, as we Irish say." "It is a good thing for us that she had that hunch," declared Marjorie, turning to Vera and holding out both hands. "I was hoping you would both be here to meet us.

Accordingly, he picked up a heavy piece of wood that chanced to be lying close by, and which doubtless Obed had used before in order to test the accuracy of his figuring. This he inserted in the noose, and then gave it a hunch that not only tightened the rope but carried out the further purpose of the inventor. Instantly things began to happen.

These instructions came sooner than they had dared hope. It was at dinner the second day after their return that a peculiar smile on Lord Hastings' face told Jack and Frank that there was something in the air. Jack restrained his impatience; not so Frank. "I have a hunch that something is going to happen," he said over the dessert. "That so?" queried Lord Hastings. "Just what, for instance?"

So accept the complimentary comparison if it fits which maybe it doesn't, you egotistical bonehead. Good luck buena suerte, amigo. I'll look you up in Town, if I get a chance..." Nelsen was always busy to the gills. Progress was so smooth for another couple of years, that the hunch of Big Trouble building up, became a gnawing certainty in his nerves.

"The hell you say!" exclaimed Knell. "Yes. Go to Ord and give Jim Fletcher a hunch. He'll get Poggin, and they'll fix even Buck Duane." "All right. I'll do my best. But if I run into Duane " "Don't run into him!" Longstreth's voice fairly rang with the force of its passion and command.

He had told it with much nerve and vivacity, and Jim could recollect very clearly the scene in the warm engine-room of the Sea Eagle, with the stormy rain sweeping the decks outside, and the good old crowd of Juarez, and the boys, listening to the engineer. "I have a hunch that we are going to get something to eat soon," remarked Jim encouragingly.

"Burr-urr!" growled old Tummus, who was devouring his late meal a meat tea, the solid part consisting of a great hunch of bread and upon it a large piece of cold boiled, streaky, salt pork. "Don't make noises like that at the table, Tummus," said his wife. "What will Mr Grange think of you?" "Only said `Burr-urr!" grumbled old Tummus.

Colonel Mannheim, I'd like you to meet Mr. Bartholomew Stanton." "How are you, Mr. Stanton?" "Fine, Colonel. A little nervous." The colonel chuckled softly. "I can't say that I blame you. It's not an easy decision to make." He looked at Dr. Farnsworth. "Has Dr. Yoritomo any more information for us?" Farnsworth shook his head. "No. He admits that his idea is nothing more than a wild hunch.

Tha's what they aim to do. Before I can head 'em off. Me, I'll show 'em they can't play monkey tricks on Bully West." This explanation did not satisfy Whaley. The straight black line of the brows above the cold eyes met in frowning thought. "I've got a hunch you're barkin' up the wrong tree," he lisped with a shrug of shoulders.