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It was only then that he heard the spatter of rifle fire and understood that they were in the middle of an exchange of lead slugs. "Keep down!" Anse, his voice ragged with anger, snapped the command in Drew’s ear. "What in thunder you tryin’ to do? You gone completely loco, amigo? Walkin’ right out to git yourself shot like them bullets was nothin’ but pecans or somethin’ like!"

The don motioned The Kid to a chair. "The cattle of which we ah spoke, señor," said the don, as he lighted a long brown cigarette. "They are on the way to Mariposa. Are probably there even now, amigo." "Yes?" drawled Kid Wolf. "You will have men there to receive them?" "Without fail," replied the Texan, a strange inflection in his tones. "It is well, my friend. With the cattle are four of my men.

"It shall be as the señor says. It is fate." "All right, amigo. But it isn't fate. It's making fool mistakes when you or your countrymen tackle a job like Vaca tackled. Just get me a couple of blankets. I'll sleep out here to-night." Juan Armigo plodded to the adobe. The lamplight showed his face beaded with sweat. He shuffled to an inner room, and came out with blankets on his arm.

A few acres of chile and corn, a little hay, some range for my goats, a few cherry trees, a house.… Many thousands? No.” “You have here a home, amigo,” Ramon reminded him. “Do you know how long a thousand dollars would support you? A year, perhaps. Then you would have to work for other men the rest of your life. Here you are free and independent.”

"Vamos, amigo," he cries, in tones learned from the muleteers of the far West. Once in the halls of "Madame de Santos," Colonel Joe is the pink of Western elegance. The acute sense of the Missourian lends him a certain dignity, in spite of his gaudy attire. Under fire, this Western pilgrim can affect a "sang froid" worthy of Fontenoy.

You are not interested in me, amigo." "No, no; of course I'm not. You are nothing to me at all you oh, I beg your pardon; I didn't quite mean that. I I mean you are nothing to me in that way. But you you're not keeping to your word. You promised, you know, that you'd use your influence with Zuilika; that you'd get her to be more kind to me to see me alone and and all that sort of thing.

Juan, mio amigo, you must remain also; we have plenty of room, and can hang up a dozen hammocks, or fifty for that matter; I have hooks provided on purpose in the hall." Juan did not even make a show of refusing, for fear that the invitation might not be pressed. I suspect that Uncle Richard was well aware of his admiration for Dona Dolores, who was a distant cousin of Dona Maria's.

"And I could keep it up all day," he added, handing the horn back, "only I've got business elsewhere." "Oyez, amigo," he said, bending his brow suddenly upon the Mexican herder, "remember, now in three days!"

"Chip's" Irish did not glance around, but kept striding down the middle of the road with his hands stuck deep in his pockets. "Don't you think you need help, amigo?" the Native Son insinuated craftily. "You can't talk to three girls at once; I could be hired to go along and take one off your hands. That should help some." "Like hell you will!" Irish retorted with characteristic bluntness.

The ports on each quarter, as well as the two in the stern, were open, through which we had an extensive view of Port au Prince, and the surrounding country. "Now, Transom," said our amigo Massa Aaron, "I am quite persuaded that the town astern of us there must always have been, and is now, exceedingly unhealthy.