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This last exclamation was, however, a scandalous libel, for certainly no being ever stood in a pedagogue's presence with more perfect sang froid, and with a bolder front, than did, at this moment, Vivian Grey. One principle in Mr. Dallas's system was always to introduce a new-comer in school-hours.

And quite without an effort beyond touching a button or two, the fellow rose straight into the air, glass and all, and then floated gently over toward the middle of the hall. "It probably appears complicated to you," explained the Venusian whose side he had just left. "We make use of elements not found on your earth." Billie's sang froid was not shaken.

"I understand you, Elise," laughingly rejoined M. des Rameures, "but I must beg Monsieur de Camors to believe that I do not in any case intend to offend him. I shall also beg him to tolerate the monomania of an old man, and some freedom of language with regard to the only subject which makes him lose his sang froid."

J'ai vu une fois Madame Heger, qui a quelque chose de froid et de compasse dans son maintien, et qui previent peu en sa faveur. Je la crois pourtant aimee et appreciee par ses eleves." There were from eighty to a hundred pupils in the pensionnat, when Charlotte and Emily Bronte entered in February 1842. M. Heger's account is that they knew nothing of French.

Brisband, speaking of enchantments and spells; I telling him some of my charms; he told me this of his owne knowledge, at Bourdeaux, in France. The words these: Voyci un Corps mort, Royde come un Baston, Froid comme Marbre, Leger come un esprit, Levons to au nom de Jesus Christ.

But it would be difficult for me to bring a grand duchess to call on you, since the only one I have ever known is, unfortunately, dead." At last the Minister lost his sang froid. His face was colorless. "Perhaps you will tell me the name of this grand duchess whom you knew?" "I think Your Excellency already knows." "How did she die, and when?"

With mouth parched with the stifling heat and dust, Jack sucked at the lukewarm dregs of his water-bottle, and wondered if the river itself would ever quench his thirst. "Swabs," his rear-rank man, kept fingering the loose cartridges in his pouch. At length the marksman's patience and sang froid seemed exhausted.

Now I've remembered it, but I kept losing it before. And why have they taken us farther. It was nice there too, but here cela dement trop froid. A propos, j'ai en tout quarante roubles et voila cet argent, take it, take it, I can't take care of it, I shall lose it or it will be taken away from me.... I seem to be sleepy, I've a giddiness in my head. Yes, I am giddy, I am giddy, I am giddy.

The gleaming blondness of his strange, imminent being put the father into a fever of fretful irritation. He could not bear to meet the uncanny, downward look of Gerald's blue eyes. But it was only for a moment. Each on the brink of departure, the father and son looked at each other, then parted. For a long time Gerald preserved a perfect sang froid, he remained quite collected.

The eagerness with which she seized upon my words, insisting upon the absence of any cause of suspicion, and ascribing to her late delirium, the tacit admissions which her look and language had made, I need not say, contributed to strengthen my suspicions, and to confirm all the previous conjectures of my jealous spirit. "Be quiet," I said with an air of sang froid.