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To consolidate a position the men were taught to form platoon strong points with the flanks refused or bent back so as to be able to meet an attack from any direction. Unfortunately the corn crops were spoilt by the training of the troops. While at Authie, sports took place, and in the Brigade sports the Battalion secured seven first, eight second, and one third prize.

On the night of the 28th April No. 6 Platoon was sent up to join the Company, but it was found that they could not be accommodated in the trench and they returned to Battalion Headquarters. All through this period the Company was existing under very difficult conditions. The evacuation of wounded was almost impossible, and Corpl.

I'd suggest making Pederson a sergeant and Dowst and Dominico corporals. Kemp and Santos already have promotions." "That would be my choice, too," Koa agreed. "Fine." Barris tapped the envelope. "I'll correct the orders in here and recommend the promotions. We'll get sixteen new recruits from the graduating class at Luna, and that will complete the platoon I'm supposed to organize.

Bob Tait and I were carrying No. 10's rations; and we were "connecting file" that is, we kept in sight of the platoon behind. It was raining so hard that we were soon soaked to the skin, and we were glad when they stopped at Ypres that night. Bob and I missed the platoon in front, they went into some dugout, so we went in with the rear platoon. We were billeted in what had been an old wine cellar.

"Where is your prisoner?" he cried. Von Steyr stared around him, right and left Jack was gone. "Let others prefer charges," said Rickerl, contemptuously "if you escape my sabre in the morning." "Let them," said Von Steyr, quietly, but his face worked convulsively. "Second platoon dismount to search for escaped prisoner!" he cried. "Open order! Forward!"

The officers and soldiers were tired enough to roll themselves up in their blankets in their beds on the grass; and Captain Gordon was preparing to do so when one of the sentinels informed him that a man at the lines wished to see him, and he believed it was the one who had been the guide of the first platoon in the forenoon, for he gave his name as Winfield Milton.

The right guide is the pivot of the front rank. Each rear-rank man obliques on the same ground as his file leader. Being in column of platoons, to change direction: 1. At the first command the leader of the lending platoon commands: RIGHT TURN. At the command MARCH the leading platoon turns to the right on moving pivot; its lender commands: 1. Forward, 2. MARCH, on completion of the turn.

These preparations completed, orders were given for a platoon of each company to stack arms and go to a stream off to the right of the command, to fill their canteens and also those of the rest of their respective companies. When the men were all back in their places in line, the command to advance was given.

At first glance, the contest was a draw. But subsequent investigation elicited the fact that Jimmy in his backward fall had bitten his tongue to the effusion of blood. The verdict was therefore awarded, on points, to Wullie, and the spectators dispersed in an orderly manner just as the platoon sergeant came round the traverse to change the sentry.

The Captain dashed off to his orderly who he told to take a platoon of men and go with the boy scout to take charge of those horses. In this charge we got fifty-two horses and killed four Indians. We drove the horses out on the hill where they would be out of the way and where the Indians would not get them, and the Sergeant left his men to guard them until further orders.