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So, when the train on which we rode into Almaville poured its stream of passengers upon the platform of the car shed and they had ascended the steps to the depot platform, they were greeted with a series of shouts from the Negro hackmen and expressmen standing at the edge of the platform, the preponderance of the chances against them lending color to their cries.

He was in search of the bishop, who was sitting on the lower terrace under a grape-vine arbor, where he often came to take his dessert and enjoy the charm of a tranquil evening. The poplars on the island seemed at this moment to divide the waters with the lengthening shadow of their yellowing heads, to which the sun was lending the appearance of a golden foliage.

An admirable system of lending libraries having this object in view has been established by the Boston Children's Aid Society.

The spring sunshine poured in through the windows, lending an added cheerfulness of aspect to the rooms of the tall London house that made them appear worth quite five shillings a week more than was actually charged for them, and Mrs. Lawrence smiled, well satisfied.

As he passed some of the reading-rooms which were already lending books as well as newspapers, a placard caught his eyes. It was an advertisement of a book with a grotesque title, but beneath the announcement he saw his name in brilliant letters "By Lucien Chardon de Rubempre." So his book had come out, and he had heard nothing of it! All the newspapers were silent.

102 Do not linger to gather flowers to keep them, but walk on, for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way. 103 Roots are the branches down in the earth. Branches are roots in the air. 104 The music of the far-away summer flutters around the Autumn seeking its former nest. 105 Do not insult your friend by lending him merits from your own pocket.

Sky clear, sun rising, all the tints bright, all the outlines sharp, save for the soft and misty infinite of the lake. A pinch of white frost, powdered the fields, lending a metallic relief to the hedges of green box, and to the whole landscape, still without leaves, an air of health and vigor, of youth and freshness.

"I suppose so, when it's ready." "But surely the Red Cross cleared out ages ago, and the whole place has been done up? I saw the paperhangers there in June." "Oh, yes!" Ingred's voice was a little strained. "You'll be so glad to be living there again," continued Avis. "I always envied you that lovely house. You must have hated lending it as a hospital.

The centralists operated from without, looking about for someone to put forward their ideas, as in 1911 when they took possession of Sir Joseph Ward, New Zealand's vain and ambitious Prime Minister, and induced him to introduce their half-baked schemes into the Conference. He and they were suppressed by universal consent, Sir Wilfrid simply lending a hand.

Being a corporal had its compensations at this game, as I had no carrying to do; but inasmuch as the bombs were moved two boxes to a man, I got my share of the hard work helping men out of holes and lending a hand when they were mired. Millses are packed with the bombs and detonators separate in the box, and the men are very careful in the handling of them.