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Among the 105 men on this boat there has not in the past seven days been a single case of sickness of any kind or any occasion for punishing.

III, No. 1. "Substitutes for the Saloon," F. G. Peabody in "Forum" for July, 1896. "Law and Drink," Frederick H. Wines in "Charities Review," Vol. VII, Nos. 3 and 4. "Rich and Poor," p. 105. pp. 72 sq. "Charities Review," Vol. VI, pp. 121 sq. See Proceedings of the Twenty-second National Conference of Charities and Correction, New Haven, 1895, pp. 514 sq.

The child whose Jewish name has been turned into that of Jesus was born in Palestine B.C. 105, during the consulate of Publius Rutilius Rufus and Gnaeus Mallius Maximus. His parents were well-born though poor, and he was educated in a knowledge of the Hebrew Scriptures.

The Indians were the first obstacle to the building of the American Empire. Three hundred years ago the whole three million square miles that is now the United States was theirs. They were the American people. To-day they number 328,111 in a population of 105,118,467 and the total area of their reservations is 53,489 square miles. "The Indian of To-day," C. A. Eastman.

The best information I could obtain leads me to believe that from one-third to a half may be added to these numbers for items which have been shipped to the Northern States as hardware. From the 1st of January to the 17th March, 1863, the custom bills of entry show that 23,870 gun-barrels, 30,802 rifles, and 3,105,800 percussion caps were shipped to the United States.

It is certain that these doctrines only worked upon Italy through Germany, and this not till the power of Spain was sufficiently great to root them out without difficulty, partly by itself and partly by means of the Papacy, and its instruments.105 Nevertheless, in the earlier religious movements of Italy, from the Mystics of the thirteenth century down to Savonarola, there was a large amount of positive religious doctrine which, like the very definite Christianity of the Huguenots, failed to achieve success only because circumstances were against it.

Her population at that time was nearly five and a half millions, that of Great Britain was less than ten and a half millions, and so, though she could claim more than a third of the inhabitants of the three kingdoms, her representation was less than one-sixth. By the Reform Bill of 1832 the Irish members were increased to 105.

Thracia, a large country of Europe, eastward from Macedonia, commonly called Romania, bounded by the Euxine and Aegean Seas Titus Ampius attempts sacrilege, but is prevented, C. iii. 105 Toxandri, an ancient people of the Low Countries, about Breda, and Gertruydenburgh; but according to some, of the diocese of Liege Tralles, an ancient city of Lydia in, Asia Minor, Chara, C. iii. 105

And if this ignorant Frenchman had consulted any other contemporaneous historian whatever, he would have found it asserted by them all, that the fight was conducted with great valour, both by the Roman populace and their leader on the one side, and the Barons on the other. G. Vill. lib. xii. cap. 105; Cron. Sen. tom. xv. Murat. page 119; Cron. Est. page 444.

It read as follows: 71. A laborer having built 105 rods of stone fence, found that if he had built 2 rods less a day he would have been 6 days longer in completing the job. How many rods a day did he build? Queed read this through once and announced: "He built seven rods a day." Fifi stared. "Why how in the world, Mr Queed " "Let us see if I am right. Proceed. Read me what you have written down."