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Ever after the night at Ashley's, they were as tender as two tuttle-doves which fully accounts for the axdent what happened to me, in being kicked out of the room: and in course I bore no mallis. I don't know whether Miss Betsy still fancied that my master was in love with her, but she loved muffings and tea, and kem down to his parlor as much as ever. Now comes the sing'lar part of my history.

"There, Tom, take away the boat," said Aleck; "I must go and get my uncle's paper." "Your uncle's paper, sir?" "Yes, I've run over to get some for him." "Why, you got some on'y t'other week, sir. Did he have an axdent and burn it?" "No," said Aleck, laughing. "It's all used up for writing." "Wond'ful wond'ful!" muttered the man. "Here's me can't write a word, and him allus going at it.

He returned to his own chambres; and John, the waiter, went off for more gril to Dixes Coffy-house. "This is a most unlucky axdent, to be sure, Charles," says master to me, after a few minits paws, during witch he had been and wrote a note, put it into an anvelope, and sealed it with his big seal of arms. "But stay a thought strikes me take this note to Mr.

As soon as the axdent had took place, master was in such a rage as, to be sure, no man ever was in befor; he swoar at the waiter in the most dreddfle way; he threatened him with his stick, and it was only when he see that the waiter was rayther a bigger man than hisself that he was in the least pazzyfied.

Halgernon Percy Deuceace was going DOWN. He was as gay as a lark, humming an Oppra tune, and twizzting round his head his hevy gold-headed cane. Down he went very fast, and by a most unlucky axdent struck his cane against the waiter's tray, and away went Mr. Dawkinses gril, kayann, kitchup, soda-water and all!

Speaking of wedgytables, another singler axdent happened here concarning them. Master, who was brexfasting before going away, told me to go and get him his fur travling-shoes.

"Take a chair, sir," says I; and down he sits; and I began to chaff him, as well as I could, about the weather, my illness, my sad axdent, having lost one of my hands, which was stuck into my busum, and so on. At last, after a minnit or two, I could contane no longer, and bust out in a horse laff. The old fellow turned quite pail, and began to suspect somethink.