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An she says she done know, but yer mus come and speak Tuesday night, she says Manx Road Schools, she says if yer want to perwent em making a law ov it. Which I'm a doin of aint I?" Fresh laughter and response from the room. She went on satisfied. "An, yer know, if I can't make the knickers at 'ome, I can't make 'em awy from 'ome.

"Tyke me awy from this orful plice." Brady, recovered from the first shock, swore loud and luridly. He called upon all the saints to witness that he was unafraid and that anybody with half an eye could have seen that the creature was nothing more than "one av thim flyin' alligators" that they all were familiar with.

I used to keep her talking just as long as I could she was so exceedingly alive. "Do I mind the air rides, Miss? Lor' bless you no nothin' I like better than to 'ear the guns bangin' awy. If it wasn't for the childer I'd fair enjoy it we lives up 'hIslington wy, and the first sounds of firing I wrep them up, and we all goes to the church cryp and sings 'ims with the parson's wife a'plying.

Jim turned on her once or twice and said: 'Shut up! But it only made her more angry. 'I tell yer I shan't shut up. I don't care 'oo knows it, you're a , you are! I'm ashimed the children should 'ave such a father as you. D'yer think I didn't know wot you was up ter them nights you was awy courtin', yus, courtin'? You're a nice man, you are! Jim did not answer her, but walked on.

I don't believe you like me at all, Liza, or you'd come. She turned towards him and put her arms round his neck. 'Yer know I do, old cock, she said. 'I like yer better than anyone else in the world; but I can't go awy an' leave mother. 'Bli'me me if I see why; she's never been much ter you. She mikes yer slave awy ter pay the rent, an' all the money she earns she boozes.

'No one any good you be sure, said Mrs. Kemp. 'I can't swaller these new people as are comin' in; the street ain't wot it was when I fust come. When they had done, Mrs. Kemp got up, and having finished her half-pint of beer, said to her daughter: 'Put the things awy, Liza. I'm just goin' round to see Mrs. Clayton; she's just 'ad twins, and she 'ad nine before these come.

'Arright, mother, you stay where you are, an' I'll do everythin' for yer. 'Well, it's only wot yer ought to do, considerin' all the trouble you've been ter me when you was young, and considerin' thet when you was born the doctor thought I never should get through it. Wot 'ave you done with your week's money, Liza? 'Oh, I've put it awy, answered Liza quietly. 'Where? asked her mother.

'When one's 'ad a drop too much at night, there's nothin' like havin' a drop more in the mornin' ter put one right. It just acts like magic. 'Tike it awy, said Liza, turning from it in disgust; 'the smell of it gives me the sick. I'll never touch spirits again. 'Ah, thet's wot we all says sometime in our lives, but we does, an' wot's more we can't do withaht it.

At the corner of Vere Street Harry said to Tom and Blakeston: 'I say, you blokes, let's go an' 'ave another drink before closin' time. 'I don't mind, said Tom, 'after we've took the gals 'ome. 'Then we shan't 'ave time, it's just on closin' time now. answered Harry. 'Well, we can't leave 'em 'ere. 'Yus, you can, said Sally. 'No one'll run awy with us.

"'E did, hindeed; hand then 'e discharged me without me waiges. Hof course h'I wouldn't sty after that; but h'I says to 'im, 'Hif I don't get me py, h'I'll 'aunt this place from the dy of me death; hand 'e says, ''Aunt awy." "And you have kept your word." "H'I 'ave that! H'I've made it 'ot for 'em, too." "Well, now, look here," said Terwilliger, "I'll tell you what I'll do.