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'You git somebody else, Tom. You'll do withaht me all right. She nodded to him, and walked up the street to the house of her friend Sally. Having arrived in front of it, she put her hands to her mouth in trumpet form, and shouted: ''I! 'I! 'I! Sally! A couple of fellows standing by copied her. ''I! 'I! 'I! Sally! 'Garn! said Liza, looking round at them.

Well, wot I says, I says I can't do withaht my glass of beer. She thumped her pillow to emphasize the statement. 'Wot with the work I 'ave ter do, lookin' after you and the cookin' and gettin' everythin' ready and doin' all the 'ouse-work, and goin' aht charring besides well, I says, if I don't 'ave a drop of beer, I says, ter pull me together, I should be under the turf in no time.

I couldn't do withaht it, wot with the work I 'ave, I must 'ave somethin' ter keep me tergether. But as for drinkin' 'eavily! Well! I can say this, there ain't a soberer woman than myself in all London. Why, my first 'usband never touched a drop. Ah, my first 'usband, 'e was a beauty, 'e was." She stopped the repetition of her conversation and addressed herself to Liza.

'When one's 'ad a drop too much at night, there's nothin' like havin' a drop more in the mornin' ter put one right. It just acts like magic. 'Tike it awy, said Liza, turning from it in disgust; 'the smell of it gives me the sick. I'll never touch spirits again. 'Ah, thet's wot we all says sometime in our lives, but we does, an' wot's more we can't do withaht it.

"Didn't seem to 'ave strength enough to live another dy withaht it." "Any stipulation made concerning the price of the cow?" "Any what?" "The young lady with the eyes did she think to ask the price of the cow?" "No sordid details was entered into, so far as I could 'ear," replied the boy. They would not have been by Robina. "Any hint let fall as to what the cow was wanted for?"