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I never knawed how 't was that a sportsman, same as you be, could keep rakin' awver a job an' drive a plain chap o' the soil like me into hell for what I done ten year agone." "Let the past go. Forget it; banish it for all time as far as you have the power. Blame must be buried both sides. Here's the letter upon my desk. I'll burn it, and I'll try to burn the memory often years with it.

A brain be like a nut, as ripens all the year through an' awnly comes to be gude for gathering when the tree 's in the sere. 'T is in the autumn of life a man's brain be worth plucking like eh?" "Doan't knaw. They 'm maggoty mostly at your age!" "An' they 'm milky mostly at yourn!" "Listen to the bells an' give awver chattering," said Will.

I fear't was a ugly star twinkled awver his birthplace, ma'am." "'Twas all the stars of heaven, Miller," said the mother, frankly, "for he was born in my husband's caravan in the auld days. We was camped up on the Moor, drawn into one of them roundy-poundies o' grey granite stones set up by Phoenicians at the beginning of the world.

"You'll soon get awver that," declared Uncle Thomas. "I'll send the trap home with 'e, an' you can look out the frippery; an' you might send a nice split bake back-along with it, if you've got the likes of sich a thing gwaine beggin' to be ate." Presently Mrs. Tregenza drove away and Joan went to her room to think.

In the stone circle you comed; an' by night arterwards, sweatin' for terror, your gran'mother, as had heard tell of it, sneaked from Newtake to kiss me an' press you to her body. Faither never knawed till long arter; an' though mother used to say she heard un forgive me on his death-bed, 'twas her awn pious wish echoing in her awn ears I reckon. But that's all awver an' done." Mrs.

That's why I boil awver now an' again damn it! I gets nought but kicks for my halfpence allus have; an' I won't stand it from mortal man much longer!" Chris kept her face, for Will's views on conduct and man's whole duty to man were no new thing. "Us must keep patient, Will, 'specially with the auld." "I be patient. It 'mazes me, looking back, to see what I have suffered in my time.

Billy's shaggy eyebrows, little bright eyes, and long upper lip, taken with the tawny fringe under his chops, gave him the look of an ancient and gigantic lion-monkey; and indeed there was not lacking in him an ape-like twist, as shall appear. "Hullo! boy Blanchard! An' what might you want?" he asked. "To see Miller." "Come in then; we'm all alone in kitchen, him and me, awver our grog and game.

How far's such as her gwaine in life without some person else to lean upon?" "If the ivy cannot find a tree it creeps along the ground, Chrissy." "Ess, it do; or else falls headlong awver the first bank it comes to. Phoebe's so helpless a maiden as ever made a picksher. I mind her at school in the days when we was childer together.

See her again we sha'n't, that's my feelin', despite what she wrote to me and left so mysterious on the window. Madness comed awver her, I reckon, an' she've taken her life, an' theer ban't no call for you or any other man to rip up the matter again. Let it bide as 't is. Such black doin's be best set to rest."

"Birds gived awver singin', Flittermice was wingin', Mists lay on the meadows A purty sight to see. Down-long in the dimpsy, the dimpsy, the dimpsy, Down-long in the dimpsy Theer went a maid wi' me. "Five gude mile o' walkin', Not wan word o' talkin', Then I axed a question And put the same to she.