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I would sooner have found hoppers in the best ham in the shop than have gone to church so to delude myself. But there! that Cheeseman would make me do it. I did believe as we had somebody fit to do battle for us against Boney, and I laughed about all they invasion and scares. But now why, 'a can't say bo to a goose! If 'a was to come and stand this moment where you be a-standing, and say, 'Mrs.

I never see such a son. I bet I'll take some o' these frills out o' you before I'm done with you. Why, there ain't no end to your airs they say you're rich. Hey? how's that?" "They lie that's how." "Looky here mind how you talk to me; I'm a-standing about all I can stand now so don't gimme no sass. I've been in town two days, and I hain't heard nothing but about you bein' rich.

He takes me half-price to the play, to an extent which I sometimes fear is beyond his means; and I see the tears a-standing in his eyes during the whole performance particularly if it is anything of a comic nature.

"Ah, yes; then why didn't you say so? I have been shouting myself hoarse for you." "Yis, Squire," replied the imperturbable George, "I hev been a-standing here for the last ten minutes, and I heard you." "You heard me, then why the dickens didn't you answer?" "Because I didn't think as you wanted me, sir. I saw that you hadn't finished your letter." "Well, then, you ought to.

So I jus' took a leaf out'n my lordship's own book and I creeps along jus' as sly as he could and I peeps t'rough de keyhole, and I sees as how dey wasn't in de outermos' room, but in de innermos', dough all the doors was open in a row and I seen clear t'rough to de dressin'-room fire, where dey was bof a-standing facin' of it, wid deir backs towards me.

"'Be damned if there isn't Mis'ess Yeobright a-standing up, I said," the narrator repeated, giving out the bad word with the same passionless severity of face as before, which proved how entirely necessity and not gusto had to do with the iteration. "And the next thing I heard was, 'I forbid the banns, from her.

"It seems to me his hands should be Austerely clasped in front, With both thumbs pointing toward the ground," Said Reverend Doctor Blunt. "Las' year I fell in Hodgkin's well Head first," said Cyrus Brown, "With both my heels a-stickin' up, My head a-p'inting down, "An' I made a prayer right then an' there Best prayer I ever said, The prayingest prayer I ever prayed, A-standing on my head."

"'Be damned if there isn't Mis'ess Yeobright a-standing up, I said," the narrator repeated, giving out the bad word with the same passionless severity of face as before, which proved how entirely necessity and not gusto had to do with the iteration. "And the next thing I heard was, 'I forbid the banns, from her.

Then they moved on West. You know, Molly. My maw, she climb up on the front seat " His wife suddenly turned to him, the tears still in her eyes. "Yes, and Jesse Wingate, and you know it, your wife's as good a woman as your maw! When the wagon was a-standing, cover on, and you on the front seat, I climb up by you, Jess, same as I always have and always will. Haven't I always? You know that.

"Well, there we was a-standing in the rain, and the farmers and the dealers just give us a glimpse, and passed by without a word, till I see someone come along, and that was Sophia Joliffe. She didn't look a year older nor when I met her last, and her face was the only cheerful thing we saw that afternoon, as fresh and jolly as ever.