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What kind of a country is this, anyhow? We did the best we could. In an interview with the minister of public worship I was able to secure a dispensation from the publishing of the banns; then a bond was drawn up which I signed and thus settled the question regarding possible debts in Germany.

Amongst people of humble rank in England, who only were ever asked in church, until the new-fangled systems of marriage came up within the last ten or fifteen years, during the currency of the three Sundays on which the banns were proclaimed by the clergyman from the reading desk, the young couple elect were said jocosely to Le "hanging in the bell-ropes;" alluding perhaps to the joyous peal contingent on the final completion of the marriage.

I didn't invite you of course, because I knew you would make yourself disagreeable forbid the banns, or something, and scare away all the ladies and gentlemen, for you are a most awful fright, with your red hair and freckles, so I thought it best to say nothing about the engagement until the ceremony was over. It was performed by the Rev.

Take God's good blessing of an honest lad's love and be happy with it! And when I come home to-night," he paused and appeared to think for a moment "yes! when I come home, let me hear that it's all clear and straight between you and we'll have the banns put up on Sunday!" She said not a word in answer. Her hand slid passively from his hold, and she never looked up.

I am required to present a certificate showing the consent of my parents to my marriage I, a man thirty years old and in a large business of my own! I am asked to give bonds for the payment of my debts in Germany. I owe no such debts; but I know no one who will give such a bond. I am notified that the banns must be published a certain number of times before the wedding.

"Me?" said Flower, in surprise. "You know that little plan I told you of when you was down here?" said the other. His nephew nodded. "It came off," groaned Captain Barber. "I've got news for you as'll make you dance for joy." "I've got a bad foot," said Flower, paling. "Never mind about your foot," said his uncle, regarding him fixedly. "Your banns are up." "Up! Up where?" gasped Flower.

He then informed her that throughout Europe, excepting only the southern part of Britain, there were three irregular marriages, the highest of which was hers, viz., a betrothal before witnesses, "This," said he, "if not followed by matrimonial intercourse, is a marriage complete in form, but incomplete in substance. A person so betrothed can forbid any other banns to all eternity.

Mary's, and this is not. So they will have to be published in both." "Is that the law?" "Yes. O Frank you think me forward, I am afraid! Don't, dear Frank will you for I love you so. And you said lots of times you would marry me, and and I I I " "Don't cry, now! It is foolish. If i said so, of course I will." "And shall I put up the banns in my parish, and will you in yours?" "Yes" "To-morrow?"

"Actions?..." sniffed Diana. "What actions?... None were needed; it is the result of meditation." "You mean?..." questioningly. "Heroics and martyrdom," she snapped, and flung out of the room, leaving him perplexed and grave. "If I thought so," he said in his heart, "if I were sure of it, I would forbid the banns myself."

The idea of Edward's being a clergyman, and living in a small parsonage-house, diverted him beyond measure; and when to that was added the fanciful imagery of Edward reading prayers in a white surplice, and publishing the banns of marriage between John Smith and Mary Brown, he could conceive nothing more ridiculous.