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Yeobright. "Have they gone to their new home?" "I don't know. I have had no news from Mistover since Thomasin left to go." "You did not go with her?" said she, as if there might be good reasons why. "I could not," said Wildeve, reddening slightly. "We could not both leave the house; it was rather a busy morning, on account of Anglebury Great Market.

Well, I ought to turn that defect to advantage, and by being able to do without what other people require I can spend what such things cost upon anybody else." Now, Yeobright, having inherited some of these very instincts from the woman before him, could not fail to awaken a reciprocity in her through her feelings, if not by arguments, disguise it as she might for his good.

Yeobright could only have been led to see what a sound and worthy purpose this purpose of his was and how little it was being affected by his devotions to Eustacia, how differently would she regard him! Thus as his sight grew accustomed to the first blinding halo kindled about him by love and beauty, Yeobright began to perceive what a strait he was in.

Them that know Egdon best have been pixy-led here at times." "Is that you, Christian?" said Mrs. Yeobright. "What made you hide away from me?" "'Twas that I didn't know you in this light, mis'ess; and being a man of the mournfullest make, I was scared a little, that's all.

Yet it was better for Yeobright himself when he spoke openly of his sharp regret, for in silence he endured infinitely more, and would sometimes remain so long in a tense, brooding mood, consuming himself by the gnawing of his thought, that it was imperatively necessary to make him talk aloud, that his grief might in some degree expend itself in the effort.

She cried aloud. "O that I had seen his face!" Eustacia awoke. The cracking had been that of the window shutter downstairs, which the maid-servant was opening to let in the day, now slowly increasing to Nature's meagre allowance at this sickly time of the year. "O that I had seen his face!" she said again. "'Twas meant for Mr. Yeobright!"

And where does your fifty-cow dairy lie, Mr. Venn?" "At Stickleford about two miles to the right of Alderworth, ma'am, where the meads begin. I have thought that if Mr. Yeobright would like to pay me a visit sometimes he shouldn't stay away for want of asking. I'll not bide to tea this afternoon, thank'ee, for I've got something on hand that must be settled.

Finally she tied a bit of black thread round the upper part of the head, in faint resemblance to a snood worn for confining the hair. Susan held the object at arm's length and contemplated it with a satisfaction in which there was no smile. To anybody acquainted with the inhabitants of Egdon Heath the image would have suggested Eustacia Yeobright.

"Christian, now listen to me." "Yes, sure, Mr. Yeobright." "Did you see my mother the day before she died?" "No, I did not." Yeobright's face expressed disappointment. "But I zeed her the morning of the same day she died." Clym's look lighted up. "That's nearer still to my meaning," he said.

"I could almost say that it serves you right if I did not feel that you don't deserve it," continued Mrs. Yeobright, who, possessing two distinct moods in close contiguity, a gentle mood and an angry, flew from one to the other without the least warning.