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Prince Edward rushed upon the Londoners, who had demanded the post of honour in leading the rebel army, but who, from their ignorance of discipline and want of experience, were ill fitted to resist the gentry and military men, of whom the prince's body was composed. Chron. T. Wykes, p. 62. W. Heming. p. 583. M. West. p. 387. Ypod. Neust. p. 469.

The amount of the public debt at the commencement of the present fiscal year was $40,583,631, and, deduction being made of subsequent payments, the whole public debt of the Federal Government remaining at this time is less than $40,000,000. The remnant of certain other Government stocks, amounting to $243,000, referred to in my last message as outstanding, has since been paid.

Tonnage of ships built in 1818 55,856 do. do. 1831 85,962 do. do. 1832 144,539 do. do. 1848 318,072 do. do. 1855 583,451 Let us contrast these three epochs we have named. During the first, our navigation sprang from infancy to manhood, surmounting all obstacles and bidding defiance to all foes.

The British, in order to obtain forage, were obliged to move along several lines of route. Sir David Baird's division joined them as they advanced, and when they reached the Carrion their effective force amounted to 23,583 men, with sixty pieces of artillery.

During that long interval there were repeated envoys from Koma, now a comparatively feeble principality, and Shiragi made three unsuccessful overtures to renew amicable relations. At length, in 583, the Emperor announced his intention of carrying out the last testament of his predecessor.

Perseus during all this remained inactive and had not a foot's breadth of land beyond his own territory, when in the spring, or according to the official calendar in June, of 583, the Roman legions landed on the west coast.

Whitelock, 583,597, 599. Burnet, i. 58-61. Baillie, ii. 377, 381. The moderator meekly but firmly replied, that they formed a spiritual court, established by God, recognized by law, and supported by the solemn league and covenant. But this was a language which the soldier did not, or would not, understand.

Carteia was founded in 583 and owed its existence to the multitude of camp-children the offspring of Roman soldiers and Spanish slaves who grew up as slaves de jure but as free Italians de facto, and were now manumitted on behalf of the state and constituted, along with the old inhabitants of Carteia, into a Latin colony. Lusitanian War But more serious events occurred in 600.

A Club in London, founded by the learned and ingenious physician, Dr. BOSWELL. This club, founded in 1788, met at the Blenheim Tavern, Bond-street. Reynolds, Boswell, Burney, and Windham were members. Rose's Biog. Mrs. Thrale's Collection, March 10,1784. Vol. ii. p. 350. Hawkins's Life of Johnson, p. 583. See what he said to Mr. Malone, p. 53 of this volume. See ante, i. 223, note 2.

Shipments. 1865.......439,483 tons....235,784 tons. 1866.......583,107 " ....397,840 " 1867.......669,026 " ....334,027 " 1868.......759,104 " ....392,928 " The amount brought over each route of supply during 1868, is thus shown: By Lake, Anthracite...................................... 13,665 tons.