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There was an item of $381 for 15,000 "Prayers"; and when asked about that President Mellen explained that it referred to a pamphlet called "Prayers from the Hills", embodying the yearnings of the back-country people for trolley-franchises to be issued to the New Haven. Asked why the pamphlet was called "Prayers", Mr. Mellen explained that "there was lots of biblical language in it."

Or in actual numbers: 1850, 405,751 mulattoes. 1860, 588,352 mulattoes. 1870, 585,601 mulattoes. 1890, 1,132,060 mulattoes. 1910, 2,050,686 mulattoes. Cf. "The Spanish Jurist Solorzaris," quoted in Helps: Spanish Conquest, IV, 381. Hurd: Law of Freedom and Bondage.

Fuller: The Holy and Profane State, Cambridge, 1642, p. 56. Francis Bacon, too, says many hard things of him. Bacon: Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Bk. II, Pickering ed., London, 1840, p. 181. Works, Spedding ed., III, 381.

* Clarendon, vol. i. p. 281. Rush. vol. v. p, 381. Dugdale, p. 78 May, book ii. p. 3. Temple, p. 14 There was a gentleman called Roger More, who, though of a narrow fortune, was descended from an ancient Irish family and was much celebrated among his countrymen for valor and capacity. * Nalson, vol. iii. p. 543.

Soc.; London, 1840, p. 94; also Handbook to the Birds of Australia , vol. i. pp. 444-461. See also Darwin's Descent of Man , pp. 381 and 413-414. Certain Humming-birds also, according to Gould, decorate their dwellings with great taste.

Thus the conflict raged until the year 381, when, under the reign of the Emperor Theodosius the Great, this demand having been formally made, and the Senate, fearing the tumult a refusal would excite, with a show of fair dealing ordered the presentation, before that body, of the respective merits of the two forms of worship.

Goethe: called Mr., 31; dead, 63; Clarke's essay, 79; generalizations, 148; influence, 150; on Spinoza, 174, 175; rank as a poet, 202, 320; lovers, 226; rare union, 324; his books read, 380, 381; times quoted, 382. Goldsmith, Oliver, his Vicar of Wakefield, 9, 10, 15. Good, the study of, 301. Goodwin, H.B., Concord minister, 56. Gould, Master of Latin School, 39. Gould, Thomas R., sculptor, 68.

The ascertained and estimated expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1860, on account of the public debt are accordingly $7,550,988.10, and for the ordinary expenditures of the Government $53,451,744.89, making an aggregate of $61,-002,732.99, leaving an estimated balance in the Treasury on June 30, 1860, of $14,381,808.40.

The Fathers, assembled in 381, declared that the see of Constantinople should rank next in precedence to the see of Rome, on the ground that Constantinople, now the seat of empire, was 'new Rome; taking ecclesiastical rank from its secular position, as Rome itself had done.

As to Alexandria, from the time that the 150 fathers at Constantinople, in 381, had attempted to make Constantinople the second see, because it was Nova Roma, the see of St. Mark bore a grudge against the upstart which sought to degrade it. In spite of the unequalled renown of its two great patriarchs, St. Athanasius and St. Cyril, it was sinking.