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GENII. Who those are who, in the spiritual world, are called infernal genii, 514. GENITAL region, 183. GENTILES. Why there is no communication between the Christian heaven, and the heaven of the Gentiles, 352. GEOMETRY is one of the sciences by which an entrance is made into things rational, which are the ground of rational wisdom, 163.

It is certain too that the king considered him as the chief promoter of Miss Stewart's marriage, and resented it in the highest degree. From one of Sir Robert Southwell's dispatches, dated Lisbon, December 12, 1667, it appears that the report of the queen's intended divorce had not then subsided in her native country. History of the Revolutions of Portugal, 1740, p. 352.

Bible: Mary Emerson's study, 16; Mosaic cosmogony, 18; the Exodus, 35; the Lord's Supper, 58; Psalms, 68, 181, 182, 253; lost Paradise, 101; Genesis, Sermon on the Mount, 102; Seer of Patmos, 102, 103; Apocalypse, 105; Song of Songs, 117; Baruch's roll, 117, 118; not closed, 122; the Sower, 154; Noah's Ark, 191; Pharisee's trumpets, 255; names and imagery, 268; sparing the rod, 297; rhythmic mottoes, 314; beauty of Israel, 351; face of an angel, 352; barren fig-tree, 367; a classic, 376; body of death, "Peace be still!" 379; draught of fishes, 381; its semi-detached sentences, 405; Job quoted, 411; "the man Christ Jesus," 412; scattering abroad, 414.

Paris, 4 vols. 8vo, 1827. See Croker, vol. i. p. 352. This story is told also in Lord Stanhope's Conversations with the Duke of Wellington. 8vo, London, 1888, p. 54. Hugh, third Duke of Northumberland. Dr. Bethell, who had been tutor to the Duke of Northumberland, held at this time the See of Gloucester. Launcelot Brown, 1715-1782. Mr. Archdeacon Singleton. From Stratford-on-Avon.

Indeed, his administration seems to have been good, but the regime remained completely parasitic, with no support of the masses or the gentry. After Shih Hu's death there were fearful combats between his sons; ultimately a member of an entirely different family of Hun origin seized power, but was destroyed in 352 by the Hsien-pi, bringing to an end the Later Chao dynasty.

During the Congrès Féministe held in the autumn of 1892, Madame Vincent, an ardent champion of women wage-earners, presented statistics, chiefly from private sources, showing that out of 19,352,000 artisans in France, there are 4,415,000 women who receive in wages or dividends nearly $500,000,000 a year.

It should be added that the place in which Angelbert hid the sacred relics was so well known, that in the twelfth century Cardinal Bernard, Bishop of Parma, was allowed to see and venerate them, Vid. Puricelli's Ambros. Basil. Descriptio. c. 58 and c. 352, ap. Burman. Thesaur. Antiqu. Ital. t. 4, part 1. That St.

We may judge by these expressions that his patience was at length worn out. He wrote to the City of Rotterdam, which had deferred nominating a Pensionary since the sentence passed against Grotius, that they might now chuse one, since they ought no longer to look on him as a Dutchman. Ep. 330. p. 849. Ep. 352. p. 127. Ep. 337. p. 851. Ep. 577. p. 227. Ep. 330. p. 849. Ep. 572. p. 958.

Being again asked what was the next best, he replied, "The life of a bad one." Prior's Goldsmith, i. 395. See ante, p. 57. Ten years later he said: 'There is now a great deal more learning in the world than there was formerly; for it is universally diffused. Ante, April 29,1783. See ante, ii. 352.

'If a wall cost £1000 a mile, £100 would build 176 yards of wall, which would form a square of 44 yards, and enclose an area of 1936 square yards; and £200 would build 352 yards of wall, which would form a square of 88 yards, and inclose an area of 7744 square yards. See ante, i. 318.