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In some of them the area has been large and the production very heavy, in others the field is small and unproductive. Until the last two or three years there have been no statistics as to the quantity of gas piped, but an account of its value has been kept for many years. For the twenty years beginning with 1888 the value is given at nearly $500,000,000.

Even before his own marriage, in the summer of 1490, Lodovico had sent Erasmo Brasca on a private mission to the French king, to ask for a renewal of the investiture of the Duchy of Genoa, originally granted to Francesco Sforza by Louis XI. Since those days, Genoa had been lost during the regency of Duchess Bona, and only recovered in 1888, by Lodovico's successful negotiations.

By the joint efforts of the assistant and his two sisters, working mostly or entirely at their own home, the work was brought substantially to a conclusion about the beginning of 1888.

After some work as private secretary, he received an inspectorship of schools, and held it until nearly the time of his death in 1888. He had been Professor of Poetry at Oxford from 1857-67.

Correlation of Forces, Longmans, 1874, p. 15. Three Lectures on the Science of Language, Longmans, 1889, p. 4. Science of Thought, Longmans, 1887, p. 9. Published in the Universal Review, April, May, and June, 1890. See Nature, March 6, 1890. Origin of Species, sixth edition, 1888, vol. i. p. 168. Origin of Species, sixth edition, 1888, vol. ii. p. 261. Mr.

Most men cannot do without their work, and go on to the end producing more feeble, more tired, more mannerised work, till they cloud the beauty of their prime by masses of inferior and uninspired production. November 24, 1888.

She then already showed interest and love for animals which later became a dominant feature in her life. Writing to her aunt Susie from Washington 1888: "At Uncle Charles Drake the boys have a little pet squirrel; it don't bite them but it bites strangers if you give it a chance to. They have some little guinea pigs that are very cute."

A transitional case is that of Brace Bros. v. Evans in 1888. In that case an injunction against a boycott was justified on the ground that the value of the complainant's physical property was being destroyed when the market was cut off.

He played against Wales in 1888. ~J. Coleman.~ Among the forward division of the Celtic, Mr. Coleman was a decided acquisition, and during that same season scored a lot of goals for the new Irish combination, which came to the front with something like the rapidity of "Jonah's gourd."

By 1888 his reputation as a submarine engineer and navigator had grown to such an extent that Holland was asked by the famous Philadelphia shipbuilders, the Cramps, to submit to them designs for a submarine boat to be built by the United States Government. Only one other design was submitted and this was by the Scandinavian, Nordenfeldt.