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It is melancholy to observe how often sensitive women who object to field sports and who denounce all experiments on living animals will be found supporting with perfect callousness fashions that are leading to the wholesale destruction of some of the most beautiful species of birds, and are in some cases dependent upon acts of very aggravated cruelty. Burke's Correspondence, i. 376, 377.

The Naval Militia was increased in 1893 by battalions formed in North Carolina, Michigan, Illinois, Georgia, and Connecticut, under laws of these various legislatures of that year, and the force numbered 2,376 officers and men.

Commissioners were appointed Legh, Leyton, Bedyl, and Ap Rice to investigate and report upon the conduct and the finances of the various houses. On the strength of this report, a bill was laid before Parliament and passed in February , suppressing all houses with less than L200 a year, 376 in number of which however 31 were reinstated later in the year as having been well conducted.

The list of minerals alone, raised from mines in working, amounts to twenty-two, ranging from gold and silver, copper, tin, zinc, quick-silver, salt, coal, etc., to cobalt and antimony; and 8,313,218 tons of minerals of all these twenty-two classes were raised in 1882 against 1,201,054 in 1862. The value of imports in 1882 was 816,666,901 pesetas, and of exports 765,376,087 pesetas.

Should the guard be turned out for national or regimental colors or standards, uncased, the field music of the guard will, when the guard present arms, sound, "To the color" or "To the standard"; or, if for any person entitled thereto, the march, flourishes, or ruffles, prescribed in paragraphs 375, 376, and 377, A. R.

From the reports prepared and circulated by the chief agencies entrusted with the task of the publication and distribution of this literature in the United States and Canada the remarkable facts emerge that, within the space of the eleven months ending February 28, 1943, over 19,000 books, 100,000 pamphlets, 3,000 study outlines, 4,000 sets of selected writings, and 1800 anniversary and Temple cards and folders had been either sold or distributed; that, in the course of two years, 376,000 pamphlets, outlining the character and purpose of the House of Worship, erected in the United States of America, had been printed; that over 300,000 pieces of literature had been distributed at the two World Fairs held in San Francisco and New York; that, in a period of twelve months, 1089 books had been donated to various libraries, and that, through the National Contacts Committee, during one year, more than 2,300 letters, with over 4,500 pamphlets, had reached authors, radio speakers, and representatives of the Jewish and Negro minorities, as well as various organizations interested in international affairs.

The Marquise de Brinvilliers had been executed for poisoning several of her own relations in the reign of Louis XIV. Madame de Campan, ch. xvii.; Chambrier, ii., p. 12. He said to La Marck, "Aucun homme seul ne sera capable de ramener les Français an bon sens, le temps seul peut rétablir l'ordre dans les esprits," etc., etc. Mirabeau et La Marck, i., p. 147. Feuillet de Conches, i., p, 376.

It is thought remarkable by Camden, that though this session was the first of the reign, no person was attainted; but on the contrary, some restored in blood by the parliament; a good symptom of the lenity, at least of the prudence, of the queen's government; and that it should appear remarkable, is a proof of the rigor of preceding reigns. * Camden, p. 376. Heylin, p. 115.

See ante, ii. 194; iii. 353; and iv. June 30, 1784. Malone says that 'Lord Auchinleck told his son one day that it would cost him more trouble to hide his ignorance in the Scotch and English law than to show his knowledge. This Mr. Boswell owned he had found to be true. European Magazine, 1798, p. 376. See ante, iv. 8, note 3, and iv. 20. Colman had translated Terence. Ante, iv. 18. Dr.

Coming to the question of the consumption of fuel, a considerable saving has been effected in nine years, as shown in the following table: Item. 1872. 1881. Working pressure, lb. per sq. in......... 52.5 77.4 Heating surface per I. H. P., sq. ft.... 4.64 3.919 Piston speed, feet per min.............. 376 467 Coal burnt per I. H. P., lb.............. 2.11 1.828