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Petitions from the military to the civil power are always looked on as disguised or rather undisguised commands, and are of a nature widely different from petitions presented by any other rank of men. This further confirmed the suspicion of a dangerous conspiracy. * Clarendon, vol. i. p. 247. Whitlocke, p. 43. Rush, vol v. p. 240. * Rush. vol. v. p. 255.

Our country would not wish to assume the role of an oppressive creditor, but would maintain the principle that financial obligations between nations are likewise moral obligations which international faith and honor require should be discharged. Our Government has a liquidated claim against Germany for the expense of the army of occupation of over $255,000,000.

Of this sum, 1,255,000,000 francs are on account of the Army, 1,230,000,000 for direct damage, 2,250,000,000 for indirect damage, and 200,000,000 for damage to the reconquered provinces. Still further, the Berlin Chamber of Commerce insists on indemnity not only for actual loss of ships and cargoes from the blockade, but also for damages on account of detention.

If any one wishes to know what it is like, let him read the tragedy which Sir Richard Schomburgk tells with his usual brilliance and pathos, for he is a poet as well as a man of science in his Travels in British Guiana, vol. ii. p. 255 how the Craspedocephalus, coiled on a stone in the ford, let fourteen people walk over him without stirring, or allowing himself to be seen: and at last rose, and, missing Schomburgk himself, struck the beautiful Indian bride, the 'Liebling der ganzen Gesellschaft; and how she died in her bridegroom's arms, with horrors which I do not record.

The total number of monasteries suppressed in Italy, down to 1882, was 2,255, involving an enormous displacement of property and dispersion of inmates. The fall of the religious houses in Spain dates from the law of June 21, 1835, which suppressed nine hundred monasteries at a blow. The remainder were dissolved on October 11th, in the same year.

Last year, we began to put our house in order by tackling the budget deficit that was driving us toward bankruptcy. We cut $255 billion in spending, including entitlements, in over 340 separate budget items. We froze domestic spending and used honest budget numbers. Led by the vice president, we've launched a campaign to reinvent government.

He replied, because the late king had always made them fair promises; but, when they had done him service, and he could make better terms with their enemies, had always been ready to sacrifice them. Why then did not O'Neil apply to the parliament sooner? Because the men in power then had sworn to extirpate them; but those in power now professed toleration and liberty of conscience. Ludlow, i. 255.

Erected 255 B.C. it shows that even at that early date the enemies most dreaded by the Chinese were on the north. Yet how signally it failed to effect its purpose! For since that epoch the provinces of Northern China have passed no fewer than seven centuries under Tartar sway.

Roch interceding for the people attacked by the plague. The Village-Festival. In this repository, the above are the most remarkable productions of RUBENS. N deg. 255. The portraits of Charles I, elector palatine, and his brother, prince Robert. A full-length portrait of a man holding his daughter by the hand. A full-length portrait of a lady with her son.

He sustained against Duperron, Bishop of Evreux, the famous conference of Fontainebleau, at whose close each of the two parties claimed the victory. Louis XIII deprived him of his government of Saumur; and he died in 1623. Mézeray, vol. x. pp. 254, 255. Bonnechose, Hist. de France, vol. i. p. 438, seventh edition. Bonnechose, vol. i. p. 438.