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This little episode is one that demonstrates, in a rather pleasing way, the value of the study of handwritings and of the inscriptions written by scribes; the light it throws on the history of scholarship is unexpected, and is worth having. Two Biblical MSS. of high importance came to England as gifts to our Sovereigns. Of the other I shall take leave to say more.

Great Scott! the reference is to a local American deity who is invoked in war, and not to the Biblical commentator what would have happened to him if he had spoken of England "disrespectfully"! We gratefully acknowledge also the remark of the Blackwood writer in regard-to the claims of America in literature. "These claims," he says, "we have hitherto been very charitable to."

The mechanical execution of the work is beautiful, particularly the Hebrew text, and fully equal to any thing that has come from the Andover Press, which hitherto has stood unrivalled in this country, for biblical printing. The introduction and notes give evidence of laborious and patient investigation, extensive biblical learning, and heartfelt piety.

Since we often hear that there are other sources for the idea of God than the Scriptures, it may be well for us to appraise the contributions from some of those sources before we look at the kind of God drawn for us in the biblical writings.

Then, emphasising his words with his loud voice and frequent gestures, he related the history of the Mormons from Biblical times: how that, in Israel, a Mormon prophet of the tribe of Joseph published the annals of the new religion, and bequeathed them to his son Mormon; how, many centuries later, a translation of this precious book, which was written in Egyptian, was made by Joseph Smith, junior, a Vermont farmer, who revealed himself as a mystical prophet in 1825; and how, in short, the celestial messenger appeared to him in an illuminated forest, and gave him the annals of the Lord.

He has begun to identify himself with the prophets. He insists on showing biblical pictures, worse still, appearing in them himself." "How 'appearing in them'?" asked Gerald, wonderingly. "In actual person. I, too, have promised to go with him." "In a transparency of fire, you mean? Isn't it dangerous?" She hung her head. "No, in mid air, in a fiery chariot," she murmured.

George Adam Smith, The Historical Geography of the Holy Land , is indispensable for the study of the physical features of the land as they bear on its history, and on the work of Jesus. The maps are the best that have yet appeared. Discussions of the Teaching of Jesus in works on Biblical Theology have much that is important for the study of Jesus' life.

"It hasn't any foots," observed Zaidee. "Well, before its mouth, then. It's just as 'propriate, I guess. Come over here, and get into line, Eunice. You go first and I'll follow, and the children will come on behind. We must go up with weeping and wailing and gnashing our teeth," said Cricket, getting Biblical. "How do you gnash your tooths?" inquired Helen.

Eddy had used some of her other names in place of that one. "Mother Mary" was certain to stir up discussion. It would have been much better if she had signed the telegram "Mother Baker"; then there would have been no Biblical competition, and, of course, that is a thing to avoid. But it is not too late, yet. I wish to break in here with a parenthesis, and then take up this examination of Mrs.

If it had been the great Rameses, or any Biblical character who in later years entered into Egyptian history, it would have meant less, for already the personality of the great builder-king of Egypt was known to her, by the frequency with which she had heard the expression "Rameses the Great." But of the heretic Pharaoh she had never heard. "Do you mind not mentioning it even to your brother?"