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At the same moment, at about 350 yards off, a masked battery on the left opened on the Ruby and boats, which they, however, kept in check by an ably-directed return fire. The enemy's steamer and gunboats now approached from under the island, and opened fire on the expedition.

These expenses, which have been calculated at varying figures, commencing from 350 billions, have undergone considerable fluctuations. I have given the general lines of the Treaty of Versailles.

Nothing daunted by the loss of their army, Rome dispatched a fleet of 350 ships to Africa to carry off the remnants of the defeated army that were besieged in the city of Aspis. They were met by a hastily organized Carthaginian fleet off the promontory of Hermæa in a brief action in which the Romans were overwhelmingly victorious. The latter took 114 vessels with their crews.

The supreme court of Virginia contested the right of the supreme court of the United States to judge an appeal from its decisions, but unsuccessfully. See Kent's Commentaries, vol. i., pp. 350, 370, et seq.; Story's Commentaries, p. 646; and "The Organic Law of the United States," vol. i., p. 35

A lunar we here obtained placed us in longitude 138 degrees 15 minutes 31 seconds E., our latitude being 25 degrees 4 minutes 0 seconds S. Computed from these data I deem I may fairly assume we were in 24 degrees 40 minutes 0 seconds S., and on the 138th meridian, when we stopped on the 8th; being then 470 geographical miles to the north of Mount Arden, about 350 from Mount Hopeless, and rather more than midway between the first of those hills and the Gulf of Carpentaria.

"The oxen of the country do not average more than 170 lbs. cleaned. 2,255 beasts are thus required annually. 5,555 oxen are necessary to feed and pay for the transport from a station only 350 strong; according to the customs of White Nile brigandage. "It must be remembered that at least a thousand, and sometimes double that number of slaves, are prisoners in each station. All these must be fed.

When we left Naab we turned into the Wadi Reban to Shariah three hours and ten minutes, seven geographical miles, four north-east and three north and ascended 350 feet. Wadi Reban is a quarter of a mile wide near Naab, but after two miles opens out; and there are gardens, and now and again running water appears, and plenty of trees.

If the wind was in the east they put the stove pipe out of a hole in the west side of the tower. If it blew from the west the stove pipe was readily changed to a windowpane on the east side. These watchmen were paid $350 a year, practically a dollar a day, and they seemed to have been as efficient as the lately installed electrical appliance.

These Articles of the Charter are given in Blackstone's collection of Charters, and are also printed with the statutes of the Realm. Also in Wilkins' Laws of the Anglo- Saxons, p. 350. Lingard says, " The words, We will not destroy him nor will we go upon him, nor will we send upon him, have been very differently expounded by different legal authorities.

The distance from Victoria to Tampico is 120 miles; whole distance from Matamoros to Tampico, by way of Victoria, is 354 miles. Although the service was arduous, the men came through it in good health, and were all the better soldiers for the practical schooling acquired in that 350 miles of road making. After this experience, ordinary marches and drills were to them, very light matters.