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The expenditures for all purposes were $19,235,483, leaving an unexpended balance in favor of the Department of $743,210, which can be applied toward the expenses of the Department for the current year. The increase of postal revenue, independent of specific appropriations, for the year 1867 over that of 1866 was $850,040.

London, 1912. Farnell, L.R. Evolution of Religion. 235 pp. Williams and Norgate. London, 1905. Crown Theological Library, Vol 12. Frazer, J.G. Part IV. of The Golden Bough; Adonis, Attis, and Osiris. Chaps. III and IV. Macmillan. London, 1907. Sumner, W.G. Folkways. 692 pp. Ginn & Co. Boston, 1907. Chap. XVI, Sacral Harlotry.

The Federation insisted that the houses be sold on foreclosure and that the collected money be used not as a prior settlement but as an indemnity to the individuals thus deprived of their homes. Rancor gave way to reason, however, and just before the day fixed for the foreclosure sale the matter was settled. In all, $235,000 was paid in damages by the union to the company.

Whatever proceeds from the spiritual sun partakes of life, since it is pure love; whatever proceeds from the natural sun partakes nothing of life, since it is pure fire, 532. The spiritual sun is in the centre of the universe, and its operation, being without space and time, is instant and present from first principles in last, 391. For what end the sun of the natural world was created, 235.

Spotswood, p. 393. Rymer, tom. xvi. p. 235 He succeeded at last in an attempt on the king; and by the mediation of the English ambassador, imposed dishonorable terms upon that prince: but James, by the authority of the convention of states, annulled this agreement as extorted by violence, again expelled Bothwell, and obliged him to take shelter in England.

Five or six of the early Popes those who reigned about sixteen hundred years ago held their papal courts and advised with their clergy in the bowels of the earth. During seventeen years from A.D. 235 to A.D. 252 the Popes did not appear above ground. Four were raised to the great office during that period. Four years apiece, or thereabouts.

There are many contradictions and improbabilities about it. SCIPIONES: see n. on 29. In Paradoxa 1, 12 Cic. says of them Carthaginiensium adventum corporibus suis intercludendum putaverunt. POENIS: on the dat. see A. 235, a; H. 384, 4, n. 2. PAULUM: n. on 29 L. Aemilius. COLLEGAE: M. Terentius Varro.

Mildmay, a notorious monopolist, yet having associated himself with the ruling party, was still allowed to keep his seat. * Clarendon, vol. i. p. 206. Whitlocke, p. 37. Rush. vol. v. p. 235, 359. Nalson, vol. i. p. 807. Lord Clarendon says it was entirely new; but there are instances of it in the reign of Elizabeth. D'Ewes, p. 296, 352. There are also instances in the reign of James.

COHOBATION. The spiritual purification of conjugial love may be compared to the purification of natural spirits, as effected by chemists, and called cohobation, 145. COLD. Spirits merely natural grow intensely cold while they apply themselves to the side of some angel, who is in a state of love, 235. Spiritual cold in marriages is a disunion of souls, 236. Causes of cold in marriages, 237-250.

In Uganda, where Stanley in 1875 saw King Mtesa impaling his victims, there are now ninety thousand natives professing Christianity, three hundred and twenty churches, and many thousands of children in the schools. Fifty thousand of the people can read. Between 1880 and 1882 Stanley carried three little steamboats around 235 miles of rapids to the Upper Congo.