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In 1909-10 the Dominion's expenditures in mail and steamship subsidies amounted to a total equivalent to $1,736,372. The amount appropriated for 1910-11 increased to $2,054,200; while the estimates for 1911-12 reached a total of $2,006,206. The grand total of subsidies and subventions paid by Great Britain and all her colonies in 1911 approximate ten million dollars annually.

In the succeeding Epilogue of Eurydice Hiss'd it must be admitted that Sir Robert's love of the bottle is broadly satirised. Daily Advertiser, April 29. 1737. Life of Garrick, T. Davies, vol. ii. p. 206. "Virtue distrest in humble state support." Prologue to Fatal Curiosity.

Louis Times, the Kansas City Post and the Warrensburg Daily Star allowed the women to get out a special suffrage edition. All the hard work of a year and a half was in vain. On Nov. 3, 1914, the woman suffrage amendment went down to defeat with fourteen other amendments on the ballot. More votes were cast on this one than on any other 182,257 ayes; 322,463 noes; lost by 140,206.

Here Mr. and Mrs. Thrale and Dr. Johnson staid three weeks. DUPPA. Mrs. Piozzi wrote in 1817: 'Poor old Lleweney Hall! pulled down after standing 1000 years in possession of the Salusburys. Hayward's Piozzi, ii. 206. Johnson's name for Mrs. Thrale. Ante, i. 494. Johnson wrote to Mrs.

Ford swung off to turn out the shoveling squad; and presently the laborers, muffled to the eyes, were filing past the 206 to break a path for the plow. Gallagher was on the running-board with his flare torch, thawing out an injector. He marked the cheerful swing of the men and gave credit where it was due. "'Tis a full-grown man, that," he commented, meaning Ford.

Old West Surrey, by Gertrude Jekyll, p. 206. Horsham stone makes splendid roofing material. This stone easily flakes into plates like thick slates, and forms large grey flat slabs on which "the weather works like a great artist in harmonies of moss lichen and stain. It is to be regretted that this stone is no longer used for roofing another feature of vanishing England.

* Melvil, p. 87. Keith, p. 445. Anderson, vol. ii. p. 206, et seq. * Buchanan, lib. xviii. c. 53. Animated by all these motives, many of the principal nobility now adherents to the queen of Scots, met at Hamilton, and concerted measures for supporting the cause of that princess.

" Bossier parish 14 " " Caddo parish 172 " " DeSoto parish 246 " " Marion county, Texas 206 " Total received 886 " === Returns are yet to be received from the parishes of Claiborne, Natchitoches, Winn and Sabine, and from Harrison county, Texas.

Stepping on the side or the gunwale of a boat shows the ignorance of a tenderfoot. There are rowboats that are neither round-bottomed nor flat but are shaped like the boat in photograph, page 206. These are safer than the round-bottomed, but are more easily capsized than the flat-bottomed boats. =Canoes and Canoeing=

The postal services would probably not stand any increased charges; there is left, therefore, only £5,211,000 of free revenue, and only £2,753,000 under the unrestricted control of the Irish Parliament. With such resources it would be obviously impossible to make good a deficit of £3,206,000 by any increase of taxation.