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When they arrived at a place named Mpwapwa, it seemed such a good field for missionary labour that one of their number, Mr. Clark, was left to begin missionary work there, whilst the rest pressed forward to Uganda. The great lake at last came in sight, and they were cheered by the sight of its blue waters.

The company now broke up, but I still clung to the king, begging him to allow me to purchase food with beads, as I wanted it, for my establishment was always more or less in a starving state; but he only said, "Let us know what you want and you shall always have it"; which, in Uganda, I knew from experience only meant, Don't bother me any more, but give me your spare money, and help yourself from my spacious gardens Uganda is before you.

He might, if he has men and stores, possibly reach Baker by travelling northwards, through Urundi, thence through Ruanda, Karagwah, Uganda, Unyoro, and Ubari to Gondokoro. Pagazis he cannot obtain, for the sources whence a supply might be obtained are closed.

The French protested against this extension of British influence over the Upper Nile; and we must admit that, in regard to international law, they were right. The power to will away that district lay with the Sultan, the Khedive's claims having practically lapsed. Germany, it is true, agreed not to contest the annexation of Uganda, but France did contest it.

Four four-quart tin water bottles. Two eight-quart Uganda water bottles. Four large canvas water buckets. One gross No. 1 circlets. One punch and die. The foregoing lot of supplies were ordered through Newland, Tarlton and Company's agent at 166 Piccadilly, London, and were ready when we reached London. Medicines and Surgical Equipment

It was absolutely necessary to get into a rage, and tell the head page we did not come to Uganda to be swindled in that manner, and he might tell the king I would not part with one of them. 2d. K'yengo, who came with Grant, now tried to obtain an interview with the king, but could not get admission.

Of all places in Africa, by far the most inviting to missionary enterprise are the kingdoms of Karague, Uganda, and Unyoro. They are extremely fertile and healthy, and the temperature is delightfully moderate. So abundant, indeed, are all provisions, and so prolific the soil, that a missionary establishment, however large, could support itself after the first year's crop.

First Voyage on the Nile The Starting Description of the River and the Country Meet a Hostile Vessel A Naval Engagement Difficulties and Dangers Judicial Procedure Messages from the King of Uganda His Efforts to get us back Desertion The Wanyoro Troops Kamrasi Elephant-Stalking Diabolical Possessions.

In former days, I knew, the kings of Uganda were in the habit of sending men to Karague when they heard that Arabs wished to visit them even as many as two hundred at a time to carry their kit; so I now begged Irungu to tell Mtesa that I should want at least sixty men; and then, on his promising that he would be my commissioner, I gave him the beads he had begged for himself. 4th to 6th.

They left this two moons before Baraka arrived here, and I told them the white men would not come here, as I heard they had gone to Uganda." Bombay then, finding the king very communicative, went at him for his inhospitality towards us, his turning us back from his country twice, and now, after inviting us, treating us as Suwarora did.