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W. Malm. p. 166. Order. Sax. p. 223. The chief merit of this monarch's government consists in the profound tranquillity which he established and maintained throughout all his dominions during the greater part of his reign.

See the very interesting discussion on suicide in Lecky's 'History of European Morals, vol. i. 1869, p. 223. With respect to savages, Mr. Winwood Reade informs me that the negroes of West Africa often commit suicide. It is well known how common it was amongst the miserable aborigines of South America after the Spanish conquest.

Late in the afternoon, back of the three hills that face Hill No. 223, the "All America" Division "cut" the Decauville Railroad that supplied a salient to the north that the Germans were striving desperately to hold.

He cherished no resentment against the South, and every theory of reconstruction that he ever conceived or presented was eminently peaceful and looking solely to reattaching the estranged people to the government." Lincoln and Men of War-Times, 223. Sherman, Memoirs, ii. 356.

For a general account of religious dances, see Major-General Forlong's Faiths of Man, art. "Dancing." Catlin, North American Indians, i. p. 36. Cited by Frazer, Taboo and the Perils of the Soul, p. 161. Turner's Samoa, p. 345-6. Brady, Clavis Calendaria, vol. i. p. 223. Cited by Tylor, Primitive Culture, ii. pp. 412-3. Natural Causes and Supernatural Seemings, p. 277.

"You will earn a handsome share of them very legitimately, my good Rinaldo, and we may possibly go man hunting together " "You surprise me, Eccellenza!" "Listen to me, Rinaldo. I will say nothing of the craving for vengeance that gnaws at my heart. I have been here for thirty months you too are Italian you will un- OR ROMAN REVENGE 223 derstand me!

Though Constantine had not been able to quiet the Donatists by means of the Council of Arles, he might fairly hope that the authority of such a gathering as this would bear down all resistance. If he could only bring the bishops to some decision, the churches might be trusted to follow it. An imposing list of bishops answered Constantine's call. The signatures are 223, but they are not complete.

"'Twas on a Grecian autumn's gentle eve Childe Harold hailed Leucadia's cape afar;" etc. Those who wish to know more of Sappho and her "leap" are referred to the "Spectator," Nos. 223 and 229. See also Moore's "Evenings in Greece." Endymion was a beautiful youth who fed his flock on Mount Latmos. One calm, clear night Diana, the moon, looked down and saw him sleeping.

De Gest. Brompton p. 959. Gul. Pict. p. 201. Order. Higden, p. 286. Matth. West. p. 223. Harold had seized the advantage of a rising ground, and having likewise drawn some trenches to secure his flanks, he resolved to stand upon the defensive, and to avoid all action with the cavalry, in which he was inferior.

The Theory of the Earth, vol. i. p. 173, note. Ibid. p. 281. Ibid. p. 371. The Theory of the Earth, vol. i. p. 200. The Theory of the Earth, vol. i. pp. 16, 17. The Theory of the Earth, vol. i. p. 223. Principles of Geology, vol. ii. p. 211. Principles of Geology, vol. ii. p. 613.