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The growing cosmopolitanism of all peoples and their adoption of the best that each has achieved is being produced by commerce, migration, and "contact and cross-fertilization of cultures." 371. =Telic Progress.= Most social progress has come without the full realization of the significance of the gradual changes that were taking place. Few if any individuals saw the end from the beginning.

Francis Darwin, counting those on a small space measured by the micrometer, estimated them at 65,371 to the square inch of foliage, taking in both surfaces of the leaf, or two or three millions on a moderate-sized specimen of this small herb.

As a consequence, this service is composed of men well qualified for the performance of their dangerous and exceptionally important duties. The number of stations in commission at the close of the year was 203. The number of disasters to vessels and craft of all kinds within their field of action was 371.

Ordered that William F. Berry, in the name of Berry and Lincoln, have license to keep a tavern in New Salem, to continue twelve months from this date, and that they pay one dollar in addition to six dollars heretofore prepaid as per Treasurer's receipt, and that they be allowed the following rates, viz.: French brandy, per pint, 25; Peach, 183/4; Apple, 12; Holland Gin, 183/4; Domestic, 121/2; Wine, 25; Rum, 183/4; Whisky, 121/2; Breakfast, dinner, or supper, 25; Lodging for night, 121/2; Horse for night, 25; Single feed, 121/2; Breakfast, dinner, or supper, for stage passengers, 371/2.

Gray could not abide him. Sir Egerton Brydges, quoted in Gosse's Gray, iii. 371. For the epithet bear applied to Johnson see ante, ii. 66, 269, note i, and iv. 113, note 2. Johnson of the Lay Monastery 'a constellation of excellence. CROKER. BOSWELL. See also ante, iii. 336.

The American Bell Telephone Company was incorporated, and in January, 1886, had in use 330,000 telephones. There were this year in various cities of the United States 752 telephone exchanges. The total length of telephone wires operated by this company was 114,371 miles.

I notice, in Vol. XXI, page 371, a communication headed, "Watch Repairers' Shop," in which directions are given to fill the chinks in the floor around the work-bench with soft pine and putty, etc., etc.; this is all well enough, but will not prevent the breaking of pivots should a balance wheel be dropped, neither will it prevent the wheel being stepped upon and so rendered useless, as often happens.

Birds, vol. iv. p. 371; on Glareolae, curlews, and bustards, Jerdon, 'Birds of India, vol. iii. pp. 615, 630, 683; on Totanus, ibid. p. 700; on the plumes of herons, ibid. p. 738, and Macgillivray, vol. iv. pp. 435 and 444, and Mr.

There are about 40,000,000 people in England, Ireland and Wales, and 100,000 people own all the land in the United Kingdom. For the past twenty years the United States has rapidly followed in the steps of these old nations. Here are the figures: In 1850 capitalists owned 371/2 per cent. of the nation's wealth. In 1870 they owned 63 percent.

Different tones are emitted by the feathers of the different species when waved through the air; and the Scolopax Wilsonii of the United States makes a switching noise whilst descending rapidly to the earth. See M. Meves' interesting paper in 'Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858, p. 199. For the habits of the snipe, Macgillivray, 'History of British Birds, vol. iv. p. 371. For the American snipe, Capt.