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Edward Fairfax, A Discourse of Witchcraft As it was acted in the Family of Mr. Journals of the House of Lords, II, 269; Wm. Cobbett, Parliamentary History, I, 1017, 1018. Lords' Journal, II, 271, 316; Commons' Journal, I, 203-204. Cal. St. P., Dom., 1603-1610, 117. It had passed the third reading in the Commons on June 7; Commons' Journal, I, 234. Cited hereafter as Potts.

'Sodomitry is a carnal copulation against nature, to wit, of man or woman in the same sex, or of either of them with beasts. 12 Co 36. says, 'It appears by the ancient authorities of the law that this was felony. Yet the 25 H. 8. declares it felony, as if supposed not to be so. Britton, c, 9. says, that Sodomites are to be burnt. F. N. B. 269. b.

The probabilities may pass for what they are worth till further discovery. A damp, unfurnished house belonging to Wolsey, where he was ordered to remain till the government had determined upon their course towards him. See Cavendish. Cavendish, pp. 269, 270. Cavendish, p. 276. Chappuys says, that a quarrel with Sir John Wallop first introduced Cromwell to Henry.

Out of this total only a little more than ONE-THIRD 456 out of a total of 1,269 children can be considered profitable members of the community, and that, be it remembered, at the parents' valuation. Another significant point is the number of mentally defective children who survive.

The love of the sex remains with man after death, 37. It remains such as it was in its interior quality, that is, such as it had been in his interior will and thought, 46. LOVE OF USES, the, is from the Lord, 262, 266, 305. So far as we do uses from the love thereof, so far that love increases, 266. The love of doing uses is also neighborly love, 269.

The same character of fanatical exasperation marks other events of this epoch, the historical significance of which can no longer be apprehended in the lying family narratives; such as the predominance of the Fabian clan which furnished one of the two consuls from 269 to 275, and the reaction against it, the emigration of the Fabii from Rome, and their annihilation by the Etruscans on the Cremera . Still more odious was the murder of the tribune of the people, Gnaeus Genucius, who had ventured to call two consulars to account, and who on the morning of the day fixed for the impeachment was found dead in bed . The immediate effect of this misdeed was the Publilian law , one of the most momentous in its consequences with which Roman history has to deal.

Claudius gained a crushing victory over the Goths, whose discomfiture was completed by disease in the year 269.

The oldest was the temple of Castor and Pollux, which had been vowed in the battle at lake Regillus and was consecrated on 15th July 269.

In 1894 Japan had only 657,269 tons of merchant shipping; she has now upwards of a million tons, represented by 5,200 registered vessels. Almost half the steamers entering Japanese ports fly the flag of the Rising Sun, and Japan's tonnage at this time is greater than that of Russia, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Denmark or Holland.

Of these, 369 were German 269 of them brought down by the British and 98 by the French. The British lost 147; the French and Belgian, if the German claims can be trusted, 201. It is a terrible list, and a terrible testimony to the extreme importance and intensity of the air-fighting now going on.