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The mountainous wall to the rear of Zeiden is clothed by magnificent hanging woods, which at the time I describe were just tinged with the first rich touches of autumn. It was a lovely ride through this fertile vale.

Magyar intolerance of the German Patriotic revival of the Magyar language Ride from Herrmannstadt to Kronstadt The village of Zeiden Curious scene in church Reformation in Transylvania Political bitterness between Saxons and Magyars in 1848. My horse being all right again, I thought it high time to push on to Kronstadt, which is nearly ninety miles from Herrmannstadt by road.

They have a peculiar way of mystifying the exciseman as to the number of leaves on a string, for this is the regulation way of reckoning; besides which, wholesale smuggling goes on at times, and waggon-loads are got away. Occasionally there is a fight between the officials and the peasants. I had intended getting on to Kronstadt the next day, but I stopped at the Saxon village of Zeiden.

The peasants' own lands, as a rule, are very badly managed; their ploughing is shallow, and they do nothing or next to nothing in the way of drainage. Want of progress amongst the Saxons The Burzenland Kronstadt Mixed character of its inhabitants Szeklers General Bem's campaign. It was a glorious morning when I left the comfortable village of Zeiden.