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Updated: October 10, 2024
How came it to grow in this way?" "I know not. It is zought zat zey spring from a seed dropped by a bird into zee fork of anozer tree. Zee seed grows, sends his roots down ant his branches up. Ven his roots reach zee ground he lays hold, ant, ven strong enough, kills his support zus returning efil for good, like a zankless dependent. Ah! zere is much resemblance between plants and animals!
How came it to grow in this way?" "I know not. It is zought zat zey spring from a seed dropped by a bird into zee fork of anozer tree. Zee seed grows, sends his roots down ant his branches up. Ven his roots reach zee ground he lays hold, ant, ven strong enough, kills his support zus returning efil for good, like a zankless dependent. Ah! zere is much resemblance between plants and animals!
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