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Just above Witten's commences the Long Reach of the Ohio a charming panorama, for sixteen and a half miles in a nearly straight line to the southwest. Little towns line the alternating bottoms, and farmsteads are numerous on the slopes.

A mile and a half below lies Sistersville, W. Va., the emporium of this greasy neighborhood great red oil-tanks and smoky refineries its chiefest glory; crude and raw, like the product it handles. We landed at Witten's Bottom, W , the Boy, and I, while the Doctor, philosophically preferring to take the oily elephant for granted, piloted Pilgrim to the rendezvous a mile below.

The air was heavy with the odor of petroleum. All about us were the ugly, towering derricks of oil and natural gas wells Witten's Bottom on the right, with its abutting hills; the West Virginia woods across the river, and the maple-strewn island between, all covered with scaffolds. The country looks like a rumpled fox-and-geese board, with pegs stuck all over it.

There are no mosquitoes as yet, but burly May-chafers come stupidly dashing against our tent, and the toads are piping merrily. In Dixie Oil and natural gas, at Witten's Bottom The Long Reach Photographing crackers Visitors in camp. Above Marietta, Saturday, May 12th. Since the middle of yesterday afternoon we have been in Dixie, that is, when we are on the West Virginia shore.