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Among the strangers whom he received under his roof, there were some who returned his kindness with ingratitude. Among these was Paul Witichius, a mathematician; who, under the pretence of devoting his whole life to astronomy, insinuated himself into the utmost familiarity with Tycho.

Frederick II. patronises Tycho And resolves to establish him in Denmark Grants him the Island of Huen for Life And Builds the splendid Observatory of Uraniburg Description of the Island, and of the Observatory Account of its Astronomical Instruments Tycho begins his Observations His Pupils Tycho is made Canon of Rothschild, and receives a large Pension His Hospitality to his Visitors Ingratitude of Witichius Tycho sends an Assistant to take the Latitude of Frauenburg and Konigsberg Is visited by Ulric, Duke of Mecklenburg Change in Tycho's fortunes.

After quitting Uraniburg, this ungrateful mathematician neither returned to see Tycho, nor kept up any correspondence with him; and it was not till five years after his departure that Tycho learned, from the letters of the Prince of Hesse to Ranzau, that Witichius had passed through Hesse, and had described, as his own, the various inventions and methods which had been shewn to him in Huen.

When Witichius had thus obtained possession of the methods, and inventions, and views of Tycho, and had enjoyed his hospitality for three months, he pretended that he was obliged to return to Germany to receive an inheritance to which he had succeeded.