United States or Western Sahara ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

At the same time, it cannot be said that his work has perished while not only pastors but people feel so strongly the inspiration of that heroic life. A little seed lay underneath the ground, While from the south a mild wind-current blew, And from the tropics to the northward flew Long, angular lines of wild-fowl with a sound Of silken wings.

We speak only of the Northern Hemisphere, for the sake of simplifying explanation, the action of the great wind-current in the Southern Hemisphere is precisely similar. But our broad simple statement about the upper current from the equator, and the under current from the pole, requires a slight modification, which we thought it best not to mingle with the statement itself.

The great Gulf Stream which, bifurcating at the Azores, sweeps southwards with easting, now sets in our favour; it is, however, partly a wind-current, and here it often flows to the west even in winter.

The first attempt failed, the masonry raised upon the rock to which it was attached being blown up by the great violence of the wind-current. A modified plan with a safety-valve attached was then adopted, which it is hoped will prove permanent. ... The nature of this work called for 1,000 bricks and four barrels of cement." Prof.