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Kohlbrugge and I included the Bakatan or Beketan and the Ukit or Bukat in the Punan group, and also bracketed together the Kayans and Kenyahs. I also made it clear that I regarded the dolichocephalic element as of Indonesian stock and the brachycephalic of Proto-Malayan origin.

Barawan design for the shoulder or breast of men. From a drawing. Design of uncertain origin, on the calf of the leg of an Ukit man. Plate 139. From a tatu-block in the Sarawak Museum. From a tatu-block in the Sarawak Museum. This is tatued in rows down the front and sides of the thigh. From a tatu-block in the Sarawak Museum. From a tatu-block in the Sarawak Museum.

The tatu of the legs and feet is the last to be completed, and the lines round the ankles are denied to all but the bravest veterans. All that has been written above applies equally well to the Ukits, or at least once did apply, for now the Ukits have to a great extent adopted the tatu of the Kayan, and it is only occasionally that an old man tatued in the original, Ukit manner is met.

From a drawing by a Maloh. From a tatu-block in the Sarawak Museum. From a drawing. Plate 143. From a tatu-block in the collection of H.H. the Rajah of Sarawak. From a drawing. Design tatued on the calf of the leg of an Ukit. From a photograph. Tatu design on the foot of a Kayan woman of low class. From a drawing. From a drawing. From a drawing. From a tatu-block. From a photograph.