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She succeeded in capturing this wanderer in her straw hat, over which she drew her sun-veil. After this notable capture she returned demurely to Kenelm's side. "Do you collect insects?" said that philosopher, as much surprised as it was his nature to be at anything. "Only butterflies," answered Lily; "they are not insects, you know; they are souls."

She succeeded in capturing this wanderer in her straw hat, over which she drew her sun-veil. After this notable capture she returned demurely to Kenelm's side. "Do you collect insects?" said that philosopher, as much surprised as it was his nature to be at anything. "Only butterflies," answered Lily; "they are not insects, you know; they are souls."

She succeeded in capturing this wanderer in her straw hat, over which she drew her sun-veil. After this notable capture she returned demurely to Kenelm's side. "Do you collect insects?" said that philosopher, as much surprised as it was his nature to be at anything. "Only butterflies," answered Lily; "they are not insects, you know; they are souls."

She was for ever pursuing us, book in hand, and with a sun-veil and umbrella to shield her complexion, into the garden or the hayfield, imploring us to come in out of the wind and sun, and do "a little of dictation of composition," or even to permit her to hear us play that duet from the 'Semiramide, of which the time had seemed to her on the last occasion far from perfect. Her despair when Mrs.