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"Hubshi," and pointed out that there was danger of Moussa Isa's shadow touching him, if Moussa were not careful. "I must kill you if you call me Hubshi, understanding that I am of the Somals," said Moussa Isa.

Yes the bottle must have been thus usefully broken by the hand of the Supreme Deity himself, prompted by Moussa's own particular and private kismet, to provide Moussa with the means of doing his duty by himself and his race, in the matter of the dog who had likened a long-haired, ringletty-haired aquiline-nosed, thin-lipped son of the Somals to a Woolly One a black beast of the jungle!

No, too weak, and not fair to this kind Sahib who had healed him and sympathized with him in the matter of the ignorance and impudence of those who misnamed a son of the Somals.... In due course, the Committee of Visitors met at the Reformatory one morning, and found on the agenda paper inter alia the case of Moussa Isa, a murderer from Aden, his attempt at murder and suicide, and his prayer to be sent to Aden Jail.

The half-castes in Eastern Africa are represented principally by the Abyssinians, Gallas, Somals, and Kafirs. The first-named people derive their descent from Menelek, son of Solomon by the Queen of Sheba: it is evident from their features and figures, too well known to require description, that they are descended from Semitic as well as Hamitic progenitors.