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Furthermore, it must do sufficiently nearly what all other "human flesh" belonging to "perfect man" must do, or cease to be human flesh. Our ideas are like our organisms; they have some little elasticity and circumstance-suiting power, some little margin on which, as I have elsewhere said, side-notes may be written, and glosses on the original text; but this power is very limited.

Those who have examined the printed state papers may form some impression of his industry from the documents which are his own composition, and the letters which he wrote and received; but only persons who have seen the original manuscripts, who have observed the traces of his pen in side-notes and corrections, and the handwritings of his secretaries in diplomatic commissions, in drafts of Acts of Parliament, in expositions and formularies, in articles of faith, in proclamations, in the countless multitude of documents of all sorts, secular or ecclesiastical, which contain the real history of this extraordinary reign only they can realize the extent of labor to which he sacrificed himself, and which brought his life to a premature close.

The section lines and side-notes are the most valuable part of the memoranda. The side-notes about the colors are valuable, as, although not translatable into carving, they do to some extent influence the manner of interpreting forms. Photographs must not be despised, but they are only of use if read by the light of previous knowledge.