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The number of barrels of merchantable herrings, therefore, caught during these eleven years, will amount only, according to this account, to 252,231¼. During these eleven years, the tonnage bounties paid amounted to £155,463:11s. or 8s:2¼d. upon every barrel of sea-sticks, and to 12s:3¾d. upon every barrel of merchantable herrings.

From the commencement of the winter fishing 1771, to the end of the winter fishing 1781, the tonnage bounty upon the herring-buss fishery has been at thirty shillings the ton. During these eleven years, the whole number of barrels caught by the herring-buss fishery of Scotland amounted to 378,347. The herrings caught and cured at sea are called sea-sticks.

In order to render them what are called merchantable herrings, it is necessary to repack them with an additional quantity of salt; and in this case, it is reckoned, that three barrels of sea-sticks are usually repacked into two barrels of merchantable herrings.

Totals 2,186 550,943 378,347 £165,463 14 0 Sea-sticks 378,347 Bounty, at a medium, for each barrel of sea-sticks, £ 0 8 But a barrel of sea-sticks being only reckoned two thirds of a barrel fully packed, one third to be deducted, which ¹/³deducted 126,115 brings the bounty to £ 0 12 Barrels fully packed 252,231

In the year 1759, when the bounty was at fifty shillings the ton, the whole buss fishery of Scotland brought in only four barrels of sea-sticks. In that year, each barrel of sea-sticks cost government, in bounties alone, £113:15s.; each barrel of merchantable herrings £159:7:6.