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You can get in by it, if you have some one to boost you up to the sill." "Sa-a-y," drawled Gallegher, as if something had but just that moment reminded him. "Who's that gent who come down the road just a bit ahead of me him with the cape-coat! Has he got anything to do with the fight?" "Him?" repeated Keppler in tones of sincere disgust. "No-oh, he ain't no sport. He's queer, Dad thinks.

And thair's Richmond! Just thair! You can chuck a stone at it, if you mind to. A'ter awhile them rebbils'll pop out, and fix us. Why ain't we led up, sa-a-y?" The man Clover represented common sentiment among the troops at this time; but I told him that in all probability he would soon be gratified with a battle.

You can get in by it, if you have some one to boost you up to the sill." "Sa-a-y," drawled Gallegher, as if something had but just that moment reminded him. "Who's that gent who come down the road just a bit ahead of me him with the cape-coat! Has he got anything to do with the fight?" "Him?" repeated Keppler in tones of sincere disgust. "No-oh, he ain't no sport. He's queer, Dad thinks.

"Sa-a-y," drawled Gallegher, as if something had but just that moment reminded him. "Who's that gent who come down the road just a bit ahead of me him with the cape-coat! Has he got anything to do with the fight?" "Him?" repeated Keppler in tones of sincere disgust. "No oh, he ain't no sport. He's queer, Dad thinks.