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We've had a year of our Dove, an' we shall be sorry to lose him. He humbles our insular pride. Meantime, Morten, our 'swop' in Canada, keeps the ferocious Canuck humble. When Pij. goes we shall swop Kyd, who's next on the roster, for a Cornstalk or a Maori. But about the education-drill.

"Besides, the Schools learn more from our chaps in an afternoon than they can pick up in a month's drill. Look at those Board-schoolmaster captains buttonholing old Purvis on the art of war!" "Wonder what the evening papers'll say about this," said Pigeon. "You'll know in half an hour," Burgard laughed. "What possessed you to take your ponies across the sand-pits, Pij?" "Pride.

"'To your tents, O Israel! The Hebrew Schools stop the Mounted Troops. Pij, were you scuppered by Jewboys?" "'Umpires Decide all Four Guns Lost," Bayley went on. "By Jove, there'll have to be an inquiry into this regrettable incident, Vee!" "I'll never try to amuse the kids again," said the baited Verschoyle. "Children and newspapers are low things.... And I was hit on the nose by a wad, too!

"The point is well taken, Pij we have supplied ourselves with every sort and shape and make of Volunteer corps that you can imagine, and we've mixed the whole show up with our Odd Fellows and our I.O.G.T.'s and our Buffaloes, and our Burkes and our Debretts, not to mention Leagues and Athletic Clubs, till you can't tell t'other from which.