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Their measures of length are the nela or palm, the duche or foot, namun the pace, the can the ell, and tupu the league, which answers to the marine league or the pharasang of the Persians: But they estimate long distances by mornings, corresponding to our days journeys. The liquid measures are the guampar, about a quart; can about a pint; and the mencu, which is still smaller.

It is singular how very nearly this arrangement resembles the supposed modern invention of a chain of telegraphs. Six merres make a pharasang, or Persian league, which is equal to four English miles, and 868 feet. One merre is therefore equal to 1221 yards, and each post station of ten merres is equal to 12,213 yards, or almost seven English miles. Astl.

Continuing their journey, at the rate of four or five pharasangs each day , the ambassadors arrived before day-break of the eighth of Zu'lhajieh, at the imperial city of Khanbalik , or Pekin. This city is so great that each side is a pharasang in length, or about four and a quarter English miles. But at this time 100,000 houses within its walls lay in ruins.