Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: August 17, 2024
At the inshtigation of the bowld O'Blowney axin' the gintleman's pardon I am here wid no silver tongue of illoquence to para-lyze yez, but I am prisent, as has been ripresinted, to jine wid yez in a stupendous waste of gunpowder, and duck- shot, and 'high-wines, and ham sandwiches, upon the silvonian banks of the ragin' Kankakee, where the 'di-dipper' tips ye good-by wid his tail, and the wild loon skoots like a sky-rocket for his exiled home in the alien dunes of the wild morass or, as Tommy Moore so illegantly describes the blashted birrud,
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