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One of the latter cases was a sailor of sixty-three who suffered from general nigrities, and the other was in a woman of thirty, appearing after weaning and amenorrhea. Mitchell Bruce has described an anomalous discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes resembling that produced by silver or cyanosis.

Crocker believes that the disease is an atrophic degeneration of the skin, dependent on a primary neurosis, to which there is a congenital predisposition. Nigrities is a name given by the older writers to certain black blotches occurring on the skin of a white person in other words, it is a synonym of melasma.

Rustin has published the case of a woman of seventy who became as black as a negress in a single night. Goodwin relates the case of an old maiden lady whose complexion up to the age of twenty-one was of ordinary whiteness, but then became as black as that of an African. Wells and Rayer have also published accounts of cases of accidental nigrities.

The existence of accidental nigrities rests on well-established facts which are distinctly different from the pigmentation of purpura, icterus, or that produced by metallic salts. Chomel quotes the case of a very apathic old soldier, whose skin, without any appreciable cause, became as brown as that of a negro in some parts, and a yellowish-brown in others.