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I look upon it as no gift from without, but a growth from her own mind. Her invention of a machine, of which she made a drawing, her power of drawing correctly her life-circle, and sun-circle, and the mathematical feeling she had of her existence, in correspondent sections of the two, are also valuable as mental facts.

This completes the life-circle of the remarkable and instructive animal. If we compare these permanent blastulae with the free-swimming ciliated larvae or blastulae, with similar construction, of many of the lower animals, we can confidently deduce from them that there was a very early and long-extinct common stem-form of substantially the same structure as the blastula.

But this much is clearly understood: that, through a kind of spiritual gravitation, the incarnating self is drawn to a home and life-circle which will give it scope and discipline; and its need of discipline is clearly conditioned by its character, its standing, its accomplishment. These bear fruits of rejoicing, or of affliction, as they are sprung from holy or unholy works.

When a man truly and perfectly says with Jesus, and as Jesus said it, 'Thy will be done, he closes the everlasting life-circle; the life of the Father and the Son flows through him; he is a part of the divine organism.