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"During the government of this Guido de Labazarris, trade and commerce were established between great China and Manila, ships coming each year with merchandise, and the governor giving them a good reception; so that every year the trade has gone on increasing." The Encyclopaedia Britannica says that the Island Samai was called Filipina by Vellalohos, who sailed from Mexico in February, 1543.

The Spaniards went thither in search of him and burned his fleet. For many days they besieged this pirate on land, but he, taking flight in small boats that he made there secretly, put to sea and abandoned the islands. During the government of this same Guido de Labazarris, trade and commerce were established between Great China and Manila.

At his death, there was found among his papers a sealed despatch from the Audiencia of Mexico, which was governing when the fleet left Nueva Espania, appointing a successor to the government, in case of the death of the adelantado. By virtue of this despatch, Guido de Labazarris, formerly a royal official, took the office and was obeyed.

It was New Spain Mexico that ruled the Philippines, until Mexican independence restricted her sovereignty. It was in virtue of such an appointment that Guido de Labazarris, a royal officer, entered upon those duties, and was obeyed.