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Updated: November 6, 2024
There's a right and a wrong in everything, an' I do believe, from the bottom of my soul, that it's that it's that well, I ain't much of a dab at preaching as you know, but what I would say is this it's right to do right, an' it ain't right for to do wrong, so we'll krect this little mistake at once, for I have no wish to rule, bless you!
I've got the krect bearin's just now, so w'en the stars come out we'll be able to fix on one layin' in the right direction, and clap on all sail, slow and aloft stu'n s'ls, sky-scrapers, an' all the rest on it." "A good plan, Jack," said Armstrong, "but what if it should come cloudy and blot out the stars?"
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