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RHODE ISLAND: Heath hen, passenger pigeon, wild turkey, least tern, eastern willet, Eskimo curlew, marbled godwit, long-billed curlew. SOUTH CAROLINA: Ivory-billed woodpecker, Carolina parrakeet; bison, elk, puma, gray wolf. SOUTH DAKOTA: Whooping crane, trumpeter swan, pigeon, long-billed curlew; bison, elk, mule deer, mountain sheep. TENNESSEE: Records insufficient.

The morning was for a walk: to Lake Bradford, perhaps, in search of a mythical ivory-billed woodpecker, or westward on the railway for a few miles, with a view to rare migratory warblers. But in the afternoon I did not walk, I loitered; and though I still minded the birds and flowers, I for the most part forgot my botany and ornithology.

A great many species are on the road to speedy extermination; but as yet the number of those that have become totally extinct up to date is small. MISSISSIPPI: Parrakeet, passenger pigeon; bison. MISSOURI: Parrakeet, ivory-billed woodpecker, passenger pigeon, whooping crane, pinnated grouse; bison, elk, beaver.

A few are still seen in the sand hills of western Kansas, and they are still comparatively abundant along the extreme southwestern line, and in northern Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle. Yellow-legged plover, golden plover; Hudsonian and Eskimo curlew, prairie chicken. LOUISIANA: Ivory-billed woodpecker, butterball, bufflehead.