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Updated: December 11, 2024
I do not presume to say anything of the constitution of the empire to you, who are 'jurisperitorum Germanicorum facile princeps'. When you write to me, which, by the way, you do pretty seldom, tell me rather whom you see, than what you see.
Gatuli, Atlas mons, Libya interior et Athiopia. Gatuli. A tergo Mauritaniarum Africaeque Minoris Gaetulorum gens, et ipsa quoque Romanorum armis debellata, longe lateque incoluit, quidpe quae hodie occupat quicquid terrarum a Lempta opido ad Oceanum usque, spatio mill. Germanicorum CCCL protenditur.
I do not presume to say anything of the constitution of the empire to you, who are 'jurisperitorum Germanicorum facile princeps'. When you write to me, which, by the way, you do pretty seldom, tell me rather whom you see, than what you see.
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