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His date for he was a real and well-known man was much earlier than that position would indicate, for he was described, among illustrious men, by a writer who lived a full century before Theonus, the last on the list. This writer, Gennadius of Marseilles, informs us that Fastidius was a British bishop.

Indeed, we may credit the Britons of the time of Gildas with having been laborious students, those, at least, who were settled in Wales. Their Celtic cousins had a passion for writing. We find Gennadius of Marseilles testifying to the soundness of the doctrine of Fastidius, and its worthiness of God. But who shall testify to the soundness of Gennadius?

That will form the main subject of my next lecture. Early mentions of Christianity in Britain. King Lucius. Origin and spread of Christianity in Gaul. British Bishops at Councils. Pelagianism. British Bishops of London. Fastidius.

We shall insert it in evidence that the foppery of our ancestors was not inferior to that of our own time. "Fastidius. Good faith, Signior, now you speak of a quarrel, I'll acquaint you with a difference that happened between a gallant and myself, Sir Puntarvolo. You know him if I should name him Signor Luculento. "Punt. Luculento! What inauspicious chance interposed itself to your two lives?